Now for a TV catch up.
OMG, I LOVED this episode. Seriously. Loved it. It's possibly the first episode this season that I've really enjoyed.
I loved the banter between Tony and Danny - Scott Grimes was awesome.
I loved that Tony was obviously an awesome cop.
I loved that in their first meeting Gibbs punched Tony (which hardly phased him) and Tony pulled his gun on Gibbs. Bloody hilarious. I now want to re-watch the episode where Tony tells Kate he got into NCIS because of his smile *g*
I loved how Tony was dressed in the episode and wish he'd dress like it more.
I loved all the silent conversations Tony and Gibbs kept having during the episode. That was awesome and back to how I like things.
I loved that there was no awkward Tony/Ziva nonsense in this episode.
I also liked how, finally, McGeek and Ziva actually felt sorry for Tony. There was no taking the piss out of him because of his past.
I loved that Gibbs didn't ask what Tony did about Danny but that Tony told him anyway. And I liked how that was the reason he left. And I think it explains something about why Tony trusts Gibbs but has difficulty trusting many other people. First his dad, and then his partner.
Gibbs' rules make me smile every time *g*
I do wish that Tony had got an Abby hug from this episode.
I am curious about what happened to Tony's fiancee - that was...strange.
WE SAW THE FIRST HEADSLAP - it was brilliant. Tony being all incredulous. But I love that Gibbs first headslapped him for not believing in himself.
And Gibbs started the whole movie reference thing. No wonder he enjoys Tony's own movie referencing.
God, why couldn't more of this seasons episodes have been like this?
Also, we still don't know who's eye that is. I thought it could be Vance's because he's been conspicuously absent, but surely it would have been noticed it the Director of NCIS had disappeared.
I have a bad feeling about next week. Nothing had better happen to Tony.
Okay, so the plot was just. You know. It's NCIS:LA.
But Deaks. Bloody hell. He was actually compelling. That was...unexpected.
I've been really enjoying Michael being an inside mole, who is all together better placed to get Nikita intel?
I'm sad they've killed off Jaden. I had really hoped they'd do something more and interesting with her.
I really hope that Nathan ends up getting cancelled by Division. He was so remarkably annoying. Also, I had really hoped that he had seen a good and proper fight between Alex and Jaden and realised that Alex hadn't been lying and that he'd put her in terrible danger by making such a joke. Also, it kind of pissed me off that Alex suddenly wasn't good enough to hold her own against Jaden.
I will admit that I TOTALLY didn't see the twist coming. That was amazing. Amanda is kickass. What the fuck is going to happen to Alex? Is Michael going to finally have to blow his time in Division rescuing her?
So loving this show at the moment.
I was sad for Kate that Royce died without them clearing the air. But I did love that Royce knew Kate would find his killer and warned him about the hell he was raining down on himself. Awesome.
Loved the support the team gave Kate when she arrived at the murder scene. Love how much they are all a family.
I can't believe that Beckett would think that Castle wouldn't be off to LA with her. Him having her called up to 1st class was sweet and hilarious.
Movie Ryan and Esposito were definitely creepy and I loved Kate and Castle agreeing on that immediately. And the fact that movie Beckett was in rehab *g*
Esposito and Ryan were love. I totally loved them keeping Kate in the loop and them trying to lie to Montgomery about it. And him wondering which one of them is the worst liar and Esposito nodding at Ryan.
As soon as we saw Derek Philips I was all Billy Riiiiiiiiggins
And the way they used the set to question the guy was brilliant and the way everyone was in what would be the observation room to watch Castle and Kate question him.
Kate chasing down the assassin was very cool and that moment when you weren't sure if she was going to kill the guy or not.
Jesus fucking Christ, but this is one of my all time favourite shows.
When Helen got shot - bloody hell.
I love Eva so much. And her and Boyd just make me go awwwwwwww all the time.
And the way it just destroyed Rylan and how he thought it was his fault until he found out it was Arlan hurt so much to watch. I'm surprised that Rylan only hit him a few times. And, also, how daft was Arlan thinking that Rylan wouldn't arrest him.
I was SO relieved that we got only a little bit of Winona because she's my least favourite person on the show.
Mags is amazing and it has been one hell of a performance she's given this season. Although, I'm dubious about her, Dickie and Doyle's survival rate for the last episode. It's on my laptop but I don't want the show to be over, so I've not watched it yet.
I want more Tim and Rachel and Art. They are all awesome. Tim being Raylan's bodyguard a couple of episodes left was hilarious.
All in all, I want more of this show SO DAMN MUCH.
What I want for Chuck if it gets picked up for next season is for it to get a full season so that they can make a good season arc. There have been so many episodes this season that have been good ideas but the execution has been...less good. If they had a whole season then they wouldn't have off pacing and be packing so much into so little time.
Such as I liked the idea of the Gretas being other Intersects, but I thought it was horribly rushed and I wish it could have been spread over a couple of episodes. It would have been way more interesting and fun to watch. And then the episode after it when there was the find a Chuck process. Again, it was a good idea, but just too quick.
And, god, really, Vivian is now the bad guy? Could that have been more predictable? Although if we get more Ray Wise that would be awesome.