The Impossible Astronaut

Apr 24, 2011 01:19

I turned on the TV about 15 seconds before the episode stated. What is what I call timing.

I kind of love that they got a 'Dr Who' joke in there. Bloody genius.

Have you noticed that it's always a sneeze that gives people away.

I love that while Rory and Amy are at home, the Dr is running around showing off for them. Being in Laurel and Hardy with the Fez was hilarious.

I love that RiverSong packing is cause for an alarm in her prison. And even funnier is the fact that she keeps going back

'I wear a stetson now. Stetson's are cool.'

How much do I love that Rory gets hugged too - every time. It warms my heart.

When they have the picnic and Amy sees the alien, the Dr studies her like he knows what's happening - which I guess he kind of does.

Astronausts are creepy anyway, one coming out of the water is even creepier.

How often does the Dr say he's sorry?

Seeing the Dr die, I couldn't quite be sad because, as much as I felt for Amy, Rory and RiverSong, he's the Dr, so he had to be back. And Rory's quiet devastation killed me and so did Amy asking Rory what they were going to do.

'I won't be seeing you again, but you'll be seeing me' - awesome line and I had guessed as soon as we saw him that he was the old version of Mark Sheppard

'Hey, it mattered to him' - Rory FTW And he'd becoming more assertive and noticing things and generally being awesome.

I love that the Dr trusted himself the most *g*

And the Dr being worried about Amy when she says he's okay was adorable. I love that genuine moment of concern.

Rory poking the Dr to check he was really there was hilarious.

'Spoilers' - God, but I love River.

I loved the Dr asking Rory if everyone was angry with him and looking worried about it.

'And in fairness the universe did blow up' - is it me or does Rory get the best lines this episode?

'But now and again there are Saturdays' - So reminds me of Buffy saying it must be Tuesday when Dawn gets into trouble in Once More With Feeling

Amy swore on fish fingers and custard *g*

'You were my second choice for this.'
'That's okay, you were my second choice for President, Mr Nixon.'

I love the Dr trying to turn the TARDIS silent and invisible and River correcting what he does and not admitting it. Totally hilarious. And Rory's expression made me laugh so much.

I love how him being discrete is landing in the Oval Office.

I love how The Moff used Nixon's paranoia for

And the fact that it took a ferw moments for the Dr to realise that he's been spotted

'River make her blue again' - Love his smile into the carpet as the TARDIS appears

Dr - 'You think you can just shoot me'
River - 'Their American!'

'It's a police box. Can't you read?'

The Doctor and RiverSong flirting throughout this episode is awesome and I love it.

Secret Service guy - 'Do not compliment the intruder'

I love Canton just being fascinated by the Dr and how he got the TARDIS, Amy, Rory and RiverSong into the Oval Office.

Okay, aliens that can make you forget them are creepier than creepy. There are many, many creepy aliens in Dr Who, but I these rank up as one of the highest.

I love Amy reasoning out what happened and the fact that she forgot seeing the alien and working out that as soon as you look away from it, it erases itself from your memory. And then she thinks to take a photo. I love how resourceful she is and how, even when terrified, she keeps her wits about her.

Love that there was a Star Trek gag.

That secret agent

I love Rory being all nochalent about the TARDIS being bigger on the inside and then being left to make sure that Canton does okay.

'We haven't even got to space travel yet'
'I was going to cover that in time travel

'How long has Scotland Yard had this?'

Rory having to point out that Canton was talking about alien incursion and not him and River flirting was hilarious, as was the Dr's embarrassment.

'Rory would you mind going with her.'
'Yeah, a bit.'
'Well, I'd appreciate it even more.'

Both Amy and River felt sick after seeing the aliens. That can't be a coincidence, can it?

River and Rory's conversaiton about River's worst day was amazing. So sad and it totally made me feel for River. The look on Rory's face when River was talking about being an impressionable young girl was heartbreaking.

The tunnel's are running under the entire world? That can't be good, can it? And that's totally the ship from The Lodger, right?

And the reason Canton couldn't get married and got kicked out of the FBI is because he's gay, yeah?

Not exactly surprised that Amy is pregnant, to be honest with you.

And this is mean ass place to leave it. Rory is in trouble. A kid in a space suit just turned up. But is it really a kid, or does it just look like a kid?

And next week looks awesome. Why does the Dr have a beard? River looks awesome in that dress. Why do Rory, Amy and River have so many stacks of five on them? Are they counting the number of times they see one of the aliens, or something? Is the astronaut leading the aliens?

Seriously, a week? I have to wait a week? That's just mean.

show:dr who

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