I think my reaction to this episode can best be summed up by Oh, DAAAAANNNY
I loved that Julie was a kick ass witness. She wasn't a damsel in distress and she looked after herself and she didn't get hysterical. I loved the quiet moments between her and Chin. And Chin kicked ass completely. Also, anyone who can say 'Rocks told you that?' in such a tone deserves all the love in the world.
Rachel continues to be awesome. I loved that she refused to leave without Grace. And her refusal to believe Danny when he said that Stan was involved was totally believable and understandable. But then she didn't fight him about staying in a hotel so she knows when the battle is hopeless: i.e. any time Grace is involved.
Grace was all kinds of awesome. She looked SO freaked out as Danny drove her and Rachel home. And then the way she just stares up at Danny adoringly at the end was, well, adorable.
I'm SO relieved that the show didn't make Stan a bad guy. I was so worried that he was going to be an arse, and while he's not exactly a memorable character, they didn't go all cliched and I appreciate that.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I like the idea of Danny and Rachel learning to be friends after everything but not getting back together. I really, really hope that they don't get Rachel and Danny back together because I like the idea that there can be a couple on TV who get divorced, stay divorced and don't inevitably fall back together. What can I say? Maybe that's just me.
Steve. Oh, my god, STEVE. The look of worry on his face as Danny drives off. And him telling Danny to call him if he needed anything. You can pretty much guarantee that if a case hadn't appeared right then, he'd have been in that car with Danny. And then the TREE. OMFG, the conversation. Steve, you interrupted hoisting a tree so you could catch an assassin, to take a call from Danny. And he tells Danny not to worry about the case and proceeds to talk if off the edge of possibly beating up Stan, or something similar. It was possibly one of the most adorable things ever.
Steve has a face and Danny has a tone. God, but I love them both so much. They already know each other SO well. It's pretty fucking epic, to be honest.
Why is it some of my favourite moments in Hawaii Five-0 are in the episodes when Danny and Steve end up apart. Because the phone call in this episode and then the one on the US Mississippi with the SEAL accused of killing his wife (episode 108 I think)
And then there was Kono being all amazing. She pretty much solves the case on her own and then she takes out the Cleaner by herself. The looks on Steve and Chin's faces are priceless and I love Chin's 'I might be able to teach you a few things, but I think you've got the ass kicking covered.' Bloody awesome.
But, yes, this was totally Danny's episode. Scott Caan killed me in pretty much every scene. They way Danny was holding it together in front of Grace so she didn't freak out more. God, the way Grace just ran to her daddy and he just picked her up, so nearly made me cry. And the talk he had with Steve, because, if there's ever something he's not going to be rational about, it's Grace. Then the talk with Stan and the the commissioner, imparting to them both just what Grace means to him, what he'd do for her and the lengths he'd go to, to protect her. It was beautifully done and fucking heartbreaking. Because, then, at the end of it all, Stan, Rachel and Grace go into the house and Danny is left by himself. God, but the look of devastation on his face totally made me well up, because, God, Danny.
I think this is why of the fics I write for H50, so many of them feature Grace (and, uh, yeah at the moment, it's only one, but there are...three...in the works that have Grace in them. At least) because Danny not getting to spend time with the daughter he adores kills me and I want him to have way more Grace time than he already gets. Like, in the tsunami episode, I cheered that Stan and Rachel were away because it meant that Danny got Grace for the entire week.
Have I mentioned how much I love this show. Although, I do want more scenes with Steve and Grace because apart from the beautiful 'he talks about you too' in the third episode, they've not really said anything to each other, and of course we didn't hear what Steve said to her while Danny was talking to Kamekona in the tsunami episode. And also scenes of Grace and the team. Frankly, more Grace.
So, there were more signs of Castle being a bit more mature in this episode. He certainly showed an impressive amount of self awareness when talking about what kind of a person he was and what having money allowed him to do.
The talk where Kate and Martha talk about Chet and the money he left Martha was a really nice character moment.
Beckett and the Ferrari was hilarious. I loved that Castle didn't have a hope of not giving Beckett the keys.
And really, how is Castle supposed to keep an eye on the bad guy with Beckett dressed like that? She looked bloody gorgeous.
Oh, Esposito, I love how you are actually surprised that your detective friends hasn't worked out that you and Lanie are shacking up. But I found it funny how he's kind of okay with Ryan knowing but kind of horrified that Castle and Beckett know.
This is the second show this season that has had an English person who wasn't from London. Rachel's mother lives in Manchester and the bad guy in Castle was from Leeds. Nicely done.
Ryan saying that he plays the same numbers as Esposito and Esposito being all 'why did you tell them that?' was hilarious and adorable.
And then, OMG, Martha. With the foundation. You so very much rock. It totally made me well up.
And then Castle's realisation of what Beckett would do with the lottery was brilliant. And the way he went over there and this time asks her if it's okay if he interferes and sets up a legacy for her mum. It was completely and utterly amazing and totally made me cry.
ROAN! OMG, he makes me laugh SO much.
The ball and chain joke was hilarious. Kind of inevitable, I think, but rather brilliantly done.
And, seeing as how they were going to Marrakech, I liked how Lawrence of Arabia was playing in the background of the Buy More while Chuck and Morgan talked. Nicely done, writers *g*
Everyone's genuine fear of Casey seducing someone was hilarious and, evidently, well deserved - he still ends up tranq-ing everyone and blowing the door.
Beckman/Roan was hilarious - Beckman's wig, the 80s music video in Berlin. Bloody brilliant.
Roan working in the Buy More and them playing 'Own My Soul to the Company Store' was fucking genius. Well played, writers.
I do love how both Chuck and Sarah tried to seduce the other into agreeing with them about how to get married.
And my favourite funny part was definitely:-
Casey: Morgan, I'm in a wall
Morgan: Of course you are
Casey's reference to 127 Hours was great *g*
And then Chuck gets a laser cutter that looks exactly like a lightsaber. That was fucking awesome.
And Casey shooting three people through a wall was hardcore.
And then Casey goes to talk to Alex's mom, and then doesn't go through it when he sees how happy they are walking out of the house. God, it made me cry.