Your main fandom of the year?
I think it's ended up being Hawaii Five-0, since it's the only one I've actually written in this year.
Your favourite film watched this year?
How to Train Your Dragon (I seriously want one) and Inception.
Your favourite book read this year?
It's probably a toss up between Un Lun Dun or Eon: Rise of the Dragoneye. Both of them were awesome.
Your favourite album or song to listen to this year?
I'm Proud of the BBC by Mitch Benn.
Your favourite TV show of the year?
My favourite fannish show is, without a doubt, Hawaii Five-0, but my favourite show - not fannish as such - would be either Terriers, The Good Wife or Friday Night Lights.
Your favourite LJ community of the year?
fandomsecrets It always makes me laugh.
Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Does Hawaii Five-0 count when it's a new show and everyone found it at the same time?
Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
All the wank that has happened over the last year. I feel like there has been more stupidity in fandom this year than usual. Or I've just managed to stumble over more of it this year. Who knows?
Your TV boyfriend of the year?
Steve McGarrett *sigh*
Your TV girlfriend of the year?
I have to choose? Well, there's Kono from Hawaii Five-0. And also Kalinda from The Good Wife. They are both utterly awesome.
Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Uh, this is easy. Being in Hall H when The Avengers all appeared on stage together. I think I floated through the rest of ComicCon. Do I even need to explain why this is my biggest moment of squee?
The most missed of your old fandoms?
Merlin. Without a doubt, Merlin. I wish that the writers could make the show that I know it could be. If they would just stop being lazy, ffs.
The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
I want to see if there is a Mad Men fandom, but I'll have to wait until I catch up with seasons three and four before doing that.
I also want to watch Fringe, too. I feel I should. I'm not watching a proper sci-fi show and I kind of hate that. It feels wrong, somehow. I'm a geek. Surely at least one of my favourite shows should be a sci-fi show?
Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
Game of Thrones on HBO in April. I seriously can't wait for it. I'm hoping it's amazing. I'm avoiding all the publicity for it because I'm more patient when I'm pretending that something isn't happening than when I eat up all the publicity.
Going to FedCon with
anyanka_eg. W00t!