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thisissirius top five het top's - which, when translated, means top five het otp's
The first two were very easy to think of, the others, not so much...
1) Veronica/Logan - Veronica Mars
If you have never seen Veronica Mars I feel for you. The first season is masterful storytelling. Seasons two and three are awesome, but never quite live up to the promise of the first season.
One of the most compleeing parts is the evolution of Veronica's relationship with Logan. They go from being all antagonistic after Lily's death to Veronica being the only person Logan can trust when his mom disappears to something like friends to possibly one of the best screen kisses I have ever seen.
After all the build up this is one of the most satisfying kisses ever.
2) Josh/Donna - The West Wing
Seriously, people, you HAVE to watch this show. It is amazing. One of my all time favourites.
Probably my favourite and most squee inducing het OTP. In fact, it's, in all likelihood in my top five OTPs, het or slash.
They just fit together so well and when they aren't together things...don't go so well.
It's just the way they protect one another and are always there for one another. It just. Dammit. I want my own Josh Lyman.
I mean, when Josh is recovering from getting shot no-one, and I mean no-one, even questions Donna's right to control the flow of information and people to see Josh. Not even Toby. In fact, Toby totally accepts Donna telling him that there is no way Toby is going over to bother Josh about the midterms.
And the Josh flies to Israel when Donna is in the convoy that gets blown up. Flies to bloody Israel! And not a single person even begins to think that Josh shouldn't go. Even President Bartlett tells him to go.
And then when you get the backstory to how they met and it's hilarious and adorable. And how you find out that Josh really hates all her douchebag boyfriends. And then the way he clears her name when people think she leaked sensitive information and then how he gets her out of a pickle in some senate hearings.
I mean, the amount of love and trust there is amazing.
And that's before they even get together *g*
I mean, just look at how adorable they are.
3) Parker/Hardison - Leverage
She's a crazy ass thief and he's a kickass hacker and yet it works.
I love how Hardison just 'gets' Parker and he likes her for exactly who she is.
And, really, after the pretzel conversation, who couldn't love these two together?
4) Kate/Curran - Kate Daniels books by Ilona Andrews
I love that for all the attraction and all the tension between them, compromise is key in their relationship. Plus, he turns into a lion. That's really very cool.
5) Eric/Sookie - Southern vampire series - Charlaine Harris/True Blood
Because, well, because it's Eric. Eric is awesome. Totally and utterly awesome. I've loved him from the second he stepped into the books.
And I've hated Bill for even longer. Even before the revelation about why he was really in Bon Temps.
I don't get wanting Bill when you can have Eric. Boggles my mind.
Also, is it me, or do Tom Hardy and Logan Marshall-Green look really kind of similar? (although not so much when LM-G has hair)
Tom Hardy
Logan Marshall-Green