Book review catch up - including comics

Apr 05, 2010 21:42

Well, this week has been fun, reading wise. New books have just kept on arriving at the shop and it's been great.

Well, I kind of loved it. Once I got past chapter eight I was unable to put it down until we got to the end and found out exactly what happened.

I love and adore Warren. Possibly not the place to immediately start, but what immediately comes to mind. Warren is just awesome and I love how protective he is of both Mercy and Adam.

I do love the way Patricia Briggs deals with the whole gay thing. Some people don't even think about it, others are obviously homophobic and others are...uneasy.

On another note, I kind of love Bran, too. He just. He leaves Mercy to help Sam because he knows she's protecting him. And he trusts her in this.

It may be because I'm English, but I kind of adore Ben.

I'm liking Sam a lot more now that he and Mercy haven't got a chance in hell and I'm really happy for him that he might have his own chance of love.

I have to say, though, that from the moment Sam told Mercy to take care he was planning to kill himself and I kept yelling at her not to leave Sam alone. But yay Sam's wolf. He was kind of cool and him playing with the kids was hilarious.

And then there is Adam who is just wonderful. I love that his relationship with Mercy has a lot of compromise. He knows that he's never going to change Mercy and for her part she knows that Adam isn't going to change much either but they are both okay with that and modify accordingly.

I'm already looking forward to the next book *g*

For those who don't know, this is a series about a private detective who just happens to be a skeleton and his padwan, Stephanie, who takes on the name Valkayrie. The supporting characters are amazing as well.

I seriously love this series. It's amazing and I'm SO damn happy that the next book is coming out in September. Only about seven months to go.

I loved that Valkayrie had no idea what the Blair Witch was, wondering who the Blair Witch is.

The twist at the end. Well, bloody hell. And it makes sense, because thinking of the vision she and Skulduggery saw, that would be why she doesn't want to see the death of her parents again, because she now knows that she's the one who causes it.

The biggest question I have is whether or not she'll tell Skulduggery what she now knows.

I also wonder if her apparently destroying the world has something to do with her being the promised one of the necromancers. That could definitely make sense.

And I also wonder if it has something to do with the soul catcher. Because, if there is something I do know it's that just because you see something in a vision you have no idea how you get there and it's possible there is something/someone controlling Steph in some way or another. Also, the more Steph tries to stop the vision from coming true, the more likely it is to come true - which is why I think telling Skulduggery would be an idea because I think after being around for a couple of hundred years he might know that.

I'm also wondering when the fact that China led Skulduggery and his family to their deaths will come into play.

God, I really can't wait for the next book now. And then we'll be towards the end of the series. There are either seven books or nine. I really wish I could remember which.

I have to admit it, at the moment, I'm loving this series SO much more than the Women of the Otherworld. It still feels fresh and exciting, where as 'Women' kind of...doesn't. It's like she has to write them and has lost a little bit of her joy for them. Hopefully it's just been a little bit of a dip over the last few books and she'll be back on form, but for the time being I'm much more excited about these books instead.

There is a great sense of urgency though out the book and you just know that something is going on, just like the kids, even if you have no idea what. The twist is kind of brilliant.

I definitely cheered when Simon and Derek's father appeared. That was all kinds of awesome. Especially as I was worried that Aunt Lauren was going to die trying to save them.

I thought the Derek/Chloe stuff was handled brilliantly. Chloe's realisation, thanks to Simon, was very believable. And I kind of love Derek.

And I would never have guessed about Simon and Tori.

Also, releasing a demon? That's going to come back and bite Chloe in the ass, right?

I can't wait to see what happens now they are on the run with Kit.

And I really hope that eventually there is a crossover with 'Women'. I would love to see Derek with the rest of the pack. And also how Paige and Lucas deal with what a cabal has done.

I also want another book about Eve. She's still my favourite character.

One of the reasons I've not been reading quite so many books recently is because I've been buying the odd comic here and there. Despite promising myself that I wouldn't buy anything other than Buffy or Angel, I have broken out and bought a few other things. I think I'm on a slippery slope now.

No-one is allowed to recommend me any comics because I will buy them.

So, much has happened in these five issues but my overaching reaction is ANGEL??? Twilight is ANGEL???

Though that does make it extra funny that he called himself Twilight. I liked that.

Angel was one person that I'd discounted because of what is happening to him in LA, and apparently that was my mistake.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

So, I know next to nothing about the Green Hornet. I've only read this because it's Kevin Smith's discarded screenplay for his Green Hornet film.

But it is unsurprisingly funny and cool and the fighting was awesome.

It also means that I've ordered a few other Green Hornet titles. Doh!

Anything with this much sarcasm is going to have a fan in me.

I can't wait for the next issue - which I believe is already on its way to me. YAY!

So naturally I'm reading this before seeing the film, whenever it's released.

I kind of love it, so the film had better be awesome - although the trailers suggest it is going to be just that. Awesome.

Next, I should be getting the new Harry Dresden book, Changes. I'm stupidly excited about this.

Although, I have got to finish The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo before hand. So far I'm loving it and can't wait to find out some stuff.

comics:buffy, film:scott pilgrim, comics:scott pilgrim, show:buffy, comics:green hornet, reviews:books

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