New Dr Who

Apr 03, 2010 21:21

In a word - WOW!!!

SO. Wow. That kind of rocked.

I'm more than a little bit excited about the Stephen Moffat/Matt Smith era of Dr Who if they are all as good as that episode.

I loved the whole craving thing. The idea of him trying to work out both his new body and his personality was great and obviously harks back to DT doing the same thing in The Christmas Invasion. MS was less frenzied about it, but there was a good portion of DT like enthusiasum in it.

THe idea of everything in the TARDIS mixing together and the swimming pool ending up in the library made me laugh SO much. And when he fell out the TARDIS - 'Early days, steering's a bit off'

I really hope they gave MS something else other than fish fingers to eat with the custard because that would be disgusting, but it was so funny.

I loved the moment when the Dr got serious with the whole 'you know when adult's tell you everything is going to be fine, but you know they are lying - well, everything is going to be fine.' I loved that so much.

The splash when he jumped back into the TARDIS was a lovely touch.

'Why does no-one listen to me? Do I have a face that no-one listens to?'

'They're all terrified of wood' - fabulous deadpan.

The cricket bat/12 years conversation was hilarious. I kind of love the relationship developing between the Dr and Amy.

Quite obvious that the human residence was going to be Earth and the idea of it being blown up did make me think of Hitchiker's

I loved everyone mentioning that they knew/recognised the Dr - 'brand new face, first time on' and then it turns out she's been making cartoons of him for years

Possibly the line that made me laugh the most was '20 minutes to save the planet and all I've got is a post office. And it's shut.'

I thought they brought in all the technology of phones, laptops, internet eally well and laughed very hard at 'and delete your internet history'

I'd just like to say, cracks in the skin of the universe, that can't be good. And I think we have our over-arching theme for the season *g*

As usual I loved his explaining his plan. How pleased he was with himself. 'This is my favourite bit' was, well, one of my favourite bits. Sorry.

And then when Prisoner Zero turned into the Dr (or, at least part of him did) and the Dr being all 'that's rubbish. Who's that supposed to be?' was great and also a good way for him to see what he's like.

And then his phone call to get the aliens back was fabulous. Just a little bit bossy and I loved it.

And then his speech was awesome. Again, calls back to The Christmas invasion. But the 'is this planet protected' and then them going through all the doctors and MS stepping through kind of gave me chills. And his 'one word - run' I SO cheered *G*

His smug look that he just knows that the TARDIS will convince Amy to go was adorable.

The new sonic screwdriver is green, I notice.

I love the affection that the Dr has for the TARDIS. It's beyond sweet.

And who didn't know that he was going to have been further in the future when he returned for the second time?

And she was getting married. Whoops.

Also, does anyone else think that her getting married and the cracks in the universe are going to be connected in some way?

And OMG the special guests and the Blink Angels, Cybermen and River Song and SO MANY OTHER THINGS. I'm, in all honesty, less than excited about seeing the Daleks again.

All I can say is, roll on next week!!!

show:dr who, subject:tv

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