So it's the beginning of the end for DT as Dr Who.
Well, I'm not sure about it to be honest.
I will admit that I found the electronic lock on the TARDIS hilarious and the Ood just not finding it even the slightest bit funny and the Dr being slightly upset by it.
And then we finally found out why Queen Bess was so set on chasing the Dr back in Season two. I kind of loved that *g*
I can't wait to see what happens with Donna. I'm hoping that as the Dr goes he's some how able to save Donna and she lives a life knowing how awesome she is. Although it was awesome to see Donna carrying on with her life and being generally happy.
The scene of Wilfred and the Dr in the cafe was amazing. Just blew me away. The bit where the Dr said he had no companion because it was easier and then he admitted that it went wrong. And the near tears. Oh wow. That was just SO painful to watch.
And the bit where The Master was sitting with the Dr and was talking about their childhood. They were both amazing.
I think it goes without saying that John Simm rocked.
And there are now more Time Lords. Oh, I can't wait to see what happens with that. Are there going to carry on being Time Lords after this? I can't of think not because the whole point of the Dr is that he's the last one, but I can't wait to see how this plays out.
But the overall plot? I'm not too sure about that. I think I'll reserve judgement until New Year's Day.
I can't wait to see what they do for the regeneration and what Matt Smith's first words are going to be.