...but this just means I have more to watch. I'm okay with that *g*
I really enjoyed this episode. Really enjoyed it. I'm just generally really loving NCIS at the moment.
Abby can't do subterfuge, can she? She utterly sucks at it. I can't believe it took McGee so long to realise that she was in on the whole plan thing, too. But McGee being so worried about her and so adamant that she was innocent. I loved the kiss he gave her when he realised and her being all 'of course I want to talk. I'm dying here.' Because, you know, Abby not allowed to tell McGee (or Tony) sometihng has got to kill her.
I thought the plan that the team came up with was quite brilliant.
Tony's weariness when freeing Ziva was so well done. He knew that they'd been used and the way he was trying to go for humour and it was falling flat, that was very telling.
And the way Tony exploded in the lift and then later on in autopsy. Wow. I love those Tony moments, when you see what he tries to hide, when you see the real him underneath all the flirting and bluster and movie references.
And then him going off at Gibbs. That was amazing.
I totally get where he's coming from. For an entire season (which was obviously several months) he was all secret agent and everything and then there was all the secret stuff Jenny had going on and him just generally being used (more and worse than anyone else) and I can totally get why he's fed up of it. Why he hoped that new management might change all that. And then to find out that he was being double crossed by Gibbs? Yeah, that'd make it worse.
And I was so glad that Tony said that. The hurt that came across was brilliant. I really want that to stay for the rest of the season, or for it to be addressed later on. Because, if I was Tony, and I'd shown as much loyalty to Gibbs as he has, it'd be a real kick in the teeth to think that trust wasn't returned as deeply.
And I love Abby, but it would surely gall Tony to know she was trusted while he was not.
I think Ducky, while being pissed, will be a lot more philosophical about it, but Tony, with his need to be accepted and trusted by those he cares about will find it a lot harder to forgive.
I mean, it's all very well for Gibbs to say that he trusts them, but could be not possibly show it, by, you know, actually trusting them?
I could just about understand him not trusting McGee and Ziva - they haven't been with him that long (although they have both proven their loyalty 1000 times over) but not Ducky or Tony when he did trust Abby? That just seems mean. I'm really kind of pissed with him over that.
I think, in the lift, that Ziva and Tony were definitely having two rather different conversations. I really don't mind the whole Ziva-fancies-Tony thing as long as it stays rather one sided and is never really acknowledged in the show. I think Tony knows she likes him, but I don't think he is all that interested. Partly because he's been getting over the Jeannie thing, and partly because I don't think Tony would be an idiot and date someone he works with (Gibbs or McGee excepted, of course). I think they work so well as friends that it would be a shame to screw up the dynamic.
Autopsy gremlin admitting to having a relationship with Lee and everyone already knowing was hilarious. Very much reminded me of the scene in Criminal Minds where everyone knew about Will and JJ, despite JJ thinking she'd hidden it so well.
And - 'I'm sorry your girlfriend turned out to be a cylon, Jimmy.' Genius, pure genius.
Lee - well, I'm glad they finally disocovered Langer wasn't a traitor. I knew that Gibbs' gut was giving him trouble at the end of last weeks episode.
I really, really hope the daughter angle she's working is a lie. It'd be really boring if she was being forced. In my opinion, she's been far too cool and collected to not be an agent.
Looking forward to next week
So, this is the first part of the two-parter - I still need to watch this week's one.
I liked Anna. Is that unpopular? I thought she kind of rocked. And boy, but did I love Dean's way of describing what she can do - angel radio *snort*
Ruby was...better. I'm still not liking her even 50%, but more than I did. And Sam nearly destroying himself. Wow. But I get it. It's his brother; the person he spent nearly every hour of every day with. If such a person suddenly isn't there, you go like that. I completely get it. Sam begging to be taken in Dean's place. Oh, be still my beating heart. That was painful. And the demon refusing because everyone is where the demons want them. Ooooo, definitely interesting.
Could it be that it was Dean who was stopping Sam from going completely darkside? That would be interesting. And what happens now that he's begun to experience his powers?
I'm still...dubious about Ruby's intentions. Having her there as the only person for Sam to turn to would be pretty clever. Have her there to help the boys so you have an inside person would be clever. And if Lilith is anywhere near as patient as Yellow-Eyed demon, she'll be happy to lose the odd demon here and there, if she achieves her ultimate goal.
I do love Castiel *g*
Umm, I kind of freaking loved it.
Jason Alexander was stunningly creepy. So. Damn. Creepy. He was amazing.
And him messing with Rossi - or, to be more accurate, trying to mess with Rossi. I knew Rossi wouldn't fall for it. I had total belief that he knew exactly what was going on. I so went HA! to the screen when he realised that he had been played. He tried to be so clever, but really left them so many clues and was so predictable.
Reid in this one was cute, hilarious and brilliant.
His joke just falling dead on the possible recruits and Rossi trying to tell him not to do it? So damn funny.
And Rossi being all, you do know we want them to join, right?
And Reid, I don't know why they send me on these things.
The look on everyone's faces when Reid recited his degrees. The total and complete silence. And then Reid thought it would get better by saying he was studying for something else as well. Too fricking cute.
I'm so relieved for Reid that Morgan wasn't there to see him crash and burn. That would be weeks worth of teasing right there.
Kevin was, well, funny. Although, that shirt? Yuck.
Hotch was hilarious. 'Kevin, you can visit her when she's not busy' Gives Garcia something to do. 'Kevin? She's busy now.'
And then Garcia thinking that there must be a mathematical way to work something out 'Note to self, get Dr Reid in here.' I loved that.
Prentiss checking up on Agent Todd was kind of hilarious and rather sweet. I like it when she's all kind of awkward.
Morgan. Oh, my Morgan. What I would give for Morgan and Garcia to have a conversation about Agent Todd. Or, for Reid and Garcia to be laughing about Morgan and Agent Todd. As Reid said, this is going to be interesting.
I'm not sure what I think of Agent Todd. I think the team might be about to find out exactly how wonderful and brilliant JJ is at her job.
Charlie and Larry not surfing was kind of hilarious.
I totally called the girlfriend and the park ranger, although the park ranger was pretty obvious.
Colby running down the pontoon and jumping onto the boat. Guh! And funny comment about it being helpful when they run - you know they are guilty.
I like the interaction Colby and Nikki (that's new girl's name, right) have. It's very amusing. Although I am missing all the David/Colby times. Get them back please.
I do miss Megan though.
I liked Colby being something of an authority on surfing. And ordering a surf board *g*
And the end, with Colby taking Don, Charlie and Larry surfing was adorable.
The very end, where Nate was talking about his dad, that totally made me cry.
Ted and Olivia are wonderfully cute.
Reese just is amazing.
They had to kill another of Charlie's cars. This is getting to be a bit like Due South and Ray's car being killed on a regular basis.
The conspiracy is getting more intriging. And really, does the FBI think that warning Charlie off the case will actually stop him from digging around? Are they that daft?
Also, did Connie get the job at the DA's office so that they could shut her up?
And I don't like Jen, the ex-wife. It's like she's playing Charlie. I get why Charlie is still fixated on her, but I wish she'd stop stringing him along.
I'm still curious what's going to go on with Rachel. Is she finally going to start talking to Charlie? And I wish she's stop being so hostile to him.
Penny v Sheldon was hilarious. I just loved it.
Penny messing up Sheldon's laundry schedule was brilliant.
And Leonard telling Penny, Sheldon's weakness and then convincingly lying about it *snort*
I love Penny/Sheldon more each week. I'm convinced that Sheldon did something to annoy Penny and so she retaliated with stealing his food, convinced that it would produce interesting results.
And did Raj and Howard really use their geek know-how to find and sneak into the house of American's Top Model, or whatever the hell it was called? Oh boys *g*
I still need to watch some CSI:NY, The Mentalist and Chuck.
And, I so can't wait for Merlin, tonight.
Arthur is going to find out about the magic (unless they also do something to make him forget. I'd be pissed about that). I can't wait for that.
I did watch the last two episodes yesterday. I'm still planning to watch them in one big marathon (maybe Sunday?) and do reviews then (and get lots of pretty pictures of Arthur and Merlin at the same time)