I spent a good portion of the episode worrying that Don was going to fuck up the good thing he has with Robin. I like Robin and really don't want her and Don to break up.
I spent a good amount of time wanting to hit Colby for being an idiot. If ever there was a time he needed David around to stop him doing somrthing stupid, that was it.
Having said that, how much did I love that Colby only had to look at David a certain way for David to know exactly how Colby had screwed up? Lots, that's how much *g*
I miss Megan. Still not sure about the new girl. I do like her conflict with going from the LAPD to the FBI though and her having to change her mindset. And I loved Don calling her out after she tried to tell David what to do. I liked her a lot more when she took that guy down without breaking a sweat, though.
And I love those brothers. Charlie refusing to sell out Don. Don making them a package deal. *hugs them both tightly*
I liked the FBI head honcho guy much more when he was a FBI head honcho on Dexter. He rocked then.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Episode 4
Sam's face when Dean told him that Cas (and how much it it make me cackle with glee that Dean has given him a nickname?) had told him to stop Sam before he stepped in? Nearly killed me.
I totally called Dean hitting Sam more than once. I was just surprised Dean held back for that long.
I nearly teared up so many times in that epiosde it was untrue. I hope I was just feeling slightly hormonal.
I don't like Ruby. She's just nowhere near as good as old Ruby. She had attitude. This one...doesn't.
I have this feeling that either Sam was just telling Dean he's stop with the powers, or it's not going to be anywhere near as easy to stop once he's started.
But, Sammy, don't keep things from Dean. He doesn't react well to it, and that, more than the actual secret (whatever it may be) is what pisses him off and makes him suspicious.
Episode 5
After two such hard-hitting episodes, this was surprisingly light-hearted and it felt a bit weird. On the other hand, what a rocking episode. I totally and utterly love it.
Possibly my favourite line/part was the bit at the begining where Dean said something along the lines of 'it's time we got back to a good black and white case' and they are in, naturally, black and white. That makes me laugh every time I think of it.
And the comedy in this one was golden. Sam putting his foot through the door was hilarious. As was him being thrown through the wall.
How Sam managed to not say something about how Dean was dressed, I don't know. I am curious as to who changed him, because I think that should freak him out a bit.
Dracula on a scooter. That is possibly the best image EVER!
Dean losing his virginity *snort* and how Sam was just so indulgent.
Those pretzels at the beginning looked delicious and made me really want one.
When are we going to get an epiosde about shapeshifters? I'm really curious about them.
Now, I'd like more Ghostfacers, Bobby and Castiel, please show. Thank you.
I kinda loved this episode.
Everyone calling Gibbs, Leroy. That was fricking hysterical.
Jackson - I'm very much in two minds about him. His interaction with the team was brilliant. His interaction with Gibbs. I dunno.
I didn't like the way he seemed to belittle Gibbs and tries to tell him how to do his job (cause that worked out so well). And told the others he wasn't a boss. I think it was the way he said it. To me it didn't sound like a 'seriously, my boy has got that far?' More of a 'My boy could never make it that good'.
I loved seeing Gibbs a bit petculant.
Thing is, I can see more where Gibbs is coming from than Jackson. Going back home would remind him of Shannon and Kelly. Now, seeing as he's never really come to terms with their deaths (or at least not until recently) it's not surprising he wouldn't want to go somewhere where at every turn there was a memory of Shannon.
And then his dad brought a date to the funeral? yeah, I'd be pissed about that. And that's the kind of pissed that stays with you and ferments and gets real bad. Unless she was a long-term partner, she shouldn't have been there.
Gibbs being sarcastic to his dad, I totally see as in character, along with the odd swipe at past points of contention. I didn't think that Gibbs would have such open disagreements with his father in front of junior agents.
I didn't like Gibbs leaving Tony, but it did make sense. Regardless of how you read their relationship, Tony does know Gibbs the best and Gibbs is quite indulgent of Tony knowing stuff, but there would be stuff he wasn't quite ready for Tony to see and also, I'm sure that Tony would have made a tense first meeting with Jackson even worse. Having Ziva and McGee there and able to report back to Tony, probably made it easier. I'm not explaining it well, but I know what I mean.
When Tony does get there, him looking back and forth between Jack and Gibbs was brilliant, him trying to scope out the similarities and differences.
Ziva and McGee: Gibbs has a father
Tony and Abby: Tell me everything
Possibly one of the funniest, if not the funniest scene NCIS have ever done.
question - if Tony had managed to get a look at Gibbs's file, did he already know about Shannon and Kelly? Because that kind of stuff would be in there, right?
The twist that really was a twist was very cool. I enjoyed that. I probably would have got it if I hadn't been so focused on Gibbs's story.
And Tony having two questions and then wasting one. Bless.
After this episode I can't not ship Bryce/Chuck.
Casey lamenting how no mission with the CIA and Chuck can ever go smoothly was hilarious
I need to see the last 10 episodes of SGA. The last 4 of True Blood. The last 8 episodes of BSG. Latest episodes of Big Bang Theory, CSI:NY and other stuff that elludes my mind at the moment.
Was there an episode of Criminal Minds last week?