This, right
here. is a easy to read and easy to use guide to the differences between McCain and Obama.
I'm not going to go over or repeat any of the points (mostly because I really should be working) but suffice to say, these are the reasons I think he'd make a better president than McCain.
This is a very good ad:-
Click to view
Democratic candidate Barack Obama says he will take regulatory oversight seriously as president and accuses his Republican opponent, John McCain, of wanting to "pass the buck."
McCain proposed Tuesday to create a commission to study how the economic crisis came about. McCain compared it to the Sept. 11 commission established to investigate the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Campaigning Tuesday in Golden, Colorado, Obama said McCain was passing the buck instead of offering concrete plans to deal with the nation's economic crisis.
"This isn't 9/11," Obama said. "We know how we got into this mess. What we need now is leadership that gets us out. I'll provide it. John McCain won't."
And this about a speech Obama did about the economy,