In July i'm finally starting my soundscaping project!
Over a year i have been searching for musicians who would join me in this quest. Now i've found two members who share my view in making music!
Last night we had a meeting, where we discussed our visions and roles within this project. We also shared our thoughts about music and talked about past projects and bands we played in.
The line-up looks like this:
Emile - Programming
Bregt - Violins and djembe
Richard - Guitars, djembe, voice and exotic instruments
In july we will seclude ourselves from this harsh reality for 4 days, Afterwards we will mix our recordings for a theme album.
Also, we will capture sessions on video through the whole weekend, and i'm working on a webcam live stream, on wich u can see us playing for 4 days!
I will keep you guys posted...