There's a pharmacy near work where they have some electronic scales where you get a printout of your weight. I made the mistake of going there this Friday and it said 95 kg. There, in writing. I nearly fainted. I'll try to reign in my eating because I still have the rest of November, December and January to go before I give birth. I think I need to
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LOL about K's expectations! But I don't see why not! :)
I need to lose weight as well, before I go home for Christmas but so far it's not happening.... It's so difficult!
I hope your results of the glucose test will be fine - let us know how that went!!
(a friend of mine had a cat called Thrasyvoulos! :) a female one :) she was very feisty :))
My brother likes Ragnar too :( We'll push for it, you never know, it might be one of those names that are getting a revival.
Yeah, between Ragnar and the Norwegian pronounciation of Thor, I tkind of like Ragnar a bit more... (although baby!thor has such a lovely ring to it *G*)
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