Nov 10, 2012 12:00
There's a pharmacy near work where they have some electronic scales where you get a printout of your weight. I made the mistake of going there this Friday and it said 95 kg. There, in writing. I nearly fainted. I'll try to reign in my eating because I still have the rest of November, December and January to go before I give birth. I think I need to resign myself to seeing 100 on the scales before it's over. I will be going for a glucose test this month to check for gestational diabetes. Worried but hopefully it'll be fine. The weird thing is that people who hadn't seen me before the pregnancy tell me that apart from the belly I look exactly the same as I did at 80 kg but could 15 kg be just belly? We'll see, I doubt it. Maybe I'm just reluctant to accept that my ass has its own zipcode now.
The baby name is still not decided. Thor is still a working name but I don't like too much how it is pronounced in Norwegian and will sound silly pronounced like that in Greek or English. The bf wanted Odin but I vetoed it. I look up baby names and tell him the ones I like, so far he has rejected Sigurd (too working class, apparently), Steinar (the only Steinar he's ever known was an asshole), Ragnar (old person's name) and my personal fave, Egir a) cause it's too unusual and b) cause this is an alternative spelling that he doesn't accept, the actual spelling for the name is Ægir and we can't give the kid a name with a special Norwegian character in it because "he will go to MIT and he needs to be able to spell his name on the school's computers". No pressure, or anything...
I still send him a name a day just for a laugh, yesterday I suggested Ketilbjorn which is icelandic and means Ketilbear. He said it sounds completely made up. Those Icelandic...
baby names