Hey Mutha Truckers...
If you've been trying to contact me online, I can only use the internet att he local library for a limited time. School starts in a month, and we'll all talk then.
but here is something you should all no...Yesterday I got the ole cyrstal ball out of the attic and did some futurecasting. I thought I would share with you guys some future GlimerGlass Head Lines:
- Dean Walter “Woody” Webb to be crowned Bullfighting Champion.
- ‘American Idol’ not before God.
- Equestrian Club a “Horse of a different Color”.
- Former Presidents House to become new “Haunted Mansion”.
- Andrew W.K. to “Party Hard” as new leader of PWJ.
- Global Warming a myth, says bible.
- Freshmen students discover talking, shouting Bible!
- Students find sexual outlet in spicy salsa dancing.
- Student Libertarians to protest big, unnecessary, pork barrel student government.
- “Bob-Dylan-un-muh-nuh-speak” added as language course for 2008-2009 academic year.
- Planting poison ivy: a rash idea.
- Pro-life Christians paradoxically support Death Penalty.
- Computer Science Department recreates ‘Tron’ in alternate Weber Center basement reality.
- SHINE DJ “Tower”, to climb huge radio tower by UP.
- 2nd rate youth group hustlers to speak in chapel-again!
- Ludwig Play list stuck on 1998.
- ASC set to approve O.L.I.V.E.T. act (Ongoing Legal Investigations Via Electronic Transmission) to combat terror and unamericanism.
- Snakes on plane tired of jokes referencing “Snakes on a Plane”; Cult Comedy met with a few boos, many hisses.
- Billie Joel to release rendition of Olivet alma mater on next album.
- Reverse engineering Wesleyan Technology topic of Wesleyan Conference.
- Admissions changes department name to “Exclusions”.
- Centennial Cathedral to become 9th wonder of the world.
- Chaplain Benson to drop album by next semester.
- Rain makes for wet day.
- Figurative Olivet Bubble set to become scientific reality by 2040.
- Dave Matthews heard in mellow Chapman dorm room.
- MTV to shoot all-new reality series at Olivet-NOT!
- Real life ‘Footloose’ story occurs on campus.
- New freshmen dorm named after trillionaire alum; planning begins on ‘Wes Hall Hall’.
- Proposed chapel series on sacred cows ‘Just a bunch of bullshit’.
- Return of Jesus not as sweet as Return of Jedi, says Olivet dork.
- Wal-Mart, GAP, McDonalds, Nike set to open outlet stores in Ludwig Center.
- Crowd chants ‘U-S-A, U-S-A’ repetitively during intermission.
There were some others, but I don't remeber them. See most of you in a month.