Re: ~machine shop and such~
stitch_xiii 2004-11-04 13:39 (
send pics to my email
thanks!! :)
(now that is exciting. i mean it is because he didn't reply to anyone else. it's not much, but it makes me happy he evem acknowledged me. w00t w00t.haha and plus i need a reminder to send them. i'm gonna have a lot of scanning to do!)
Anyways... today was kind of a blurry day... nothing really happened. i was on a roll in the darkroom, i made 3 new prints. they are kinda lovely. and i was a half hour late for school and didnt get counted cause we had a pedophile substitute(thank god for the pedo though). everyone else had a half day except for me (and other scc people) at swan valley... um i got 7 new cds today! it highly excited me.
today, random preppy popular people decided to compliment me in the weirdest way (aka erika thomas, dave kaiser...) erika told me i draw really awesome, but weirdly, and she said youd expect me to be really strange "but you know you aren't..., i was like just because i have differnt maybe stranger interests than you, doesnt neccessarily mean im gonna keep dead bodies in my basement or anything. than dave said im awesome, and even though my pictures of mushroomhead scared him, he thought they were "way cool"... haha.
today was spent listenign to lots of music, falling asleep, and actually tlaking on the phone quite a bit.. man if shay goes into the military... i will be one sad sad person, even if she sends for me to live in california with her.
im so happy the weekend is tomorrow already. i love me the weekend. i hope it's sister is moving in with sara (and matt) that should be fun stuff. i'm happy for her.
okay i have nothing compelling to say so i'll be off on my marry lil' way
<3333 ShAnNA