school shit + my invention + germany

Jul 13, 2006 13:57

I can still find some time to go out and enjoy Germany for my last month, but the amount of learning I have to do is a bit staggering. I'm taking two oral exams, which I presume will be chiller than written exams but all the Germans take them in fucking SEPTEMBER. I will not be here in September. Thus I have to take all my exams during the lecture period, which is apparently unorthodox, and it means fuckloads of work for ME. Since I'm still paranoid about not passing and not graduating Umass and not going to NYU, I've been actually studying on weekends (of course I've been going out a bit as well. all work and no play makes hoyt a dull hoyt!).

I'm sure the people who I already told about this will think I'm a loser for mentioning it here... egal. I invented a new game where you check every day and try to guess the ratings they give based only on the wordy-ass snippits they put up. I started doing it and realized that it was a really good laugh, and perhaps could be for other people. Here's an example.
Gomez: How We Operate
Scraping out the last vestiges of their experimental guck, the once-feted UK band take their final step into full-on trad-rock.
First of all, how can anyone not find this sentence to be hilarious as fuck. Secondly I was able to guess it within 0.1 (not to mention the absurd 0.0 - 10.0 rating scale). Guesses?

Tuba Ferrara misses my face. I miss hers too and frankly I can't wait to get home. I really like my friends here but they kind of feel like interim friends, which is OK I guess but I want to get back to the people that understand me when I make bold claims or talk about something obscure/dorky. What sucks is I will inevitably miss speaking German with my ("interim") friends here, and I will miss everything about Germany that I can't find in the US. Must life be full of missing things? I also realized that when I decide to move to Berlin for a year or something, I definitely need to bring someone with me. Therefore one of you must learn German and come with me to Berlin in two years' time. That plan will inevitably change of course, but I fucking loved Berlin, so...
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