Quick update

Oct 07, 2013 02:02

Worked a bit more on the photoshoot set today! I'm excited about getting past the armature for this. I haven't used chicken wire since 3D design class, still remember how much of a pain in the arse it is to make behave though! Still, it was the best option at the cheapest price ( Read more... )

hiddles is my spirit animal, stark is my spirit animal, wedding anniversary

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Comments 5

wizardelfgirl October 7 2013, 16:00:57 UTC
Your shiny box of Marvel goodness and glowing tesseract almost makes me want to break my "won't buy a blu-ray until the DVD basically disappears" edict and get myself a player so I can justify buying a box too. Then I remember I'd need a new TV to fully appreciate the blu-ray, plus I'd have to import the box, and I'm still paying for Las Vegas, so that is enough to get back to sad reality.


invsagoth October 10 2013, 09:40:04 UTC
You should totally get it, it's awesome! xD I understand wanting to wait though, since you'd want a new tv and need a player.

We got a PS3 before we upgraded our tv, so we didn't have to wait on getting blurays. It actually was an improvement even on the old tv, but going from that to an HD tv was really amazing! We didn't think it would make that much of a difference, but afterwards we were like "Yeah. That made a difference. And it is AWESOME OMG!" lol


wizardelfgirl October 13 2013, 06:17:18 UTC
See, I considered buying a PS3, but considering I haven't touched my PS2 in almost 2 years (haven't even finished the Kingdom Hearts game I started around 3-4 years ago!) I decided it wasn't worth it. I like videogames, but I never have time to play.

I'm kind of rebelling against blu-rays, because it bugs me that companies are pressuring people into buying them by putting all the nifty stuff in them and leaving the DVD as bare as possible but with the same high price as a fully-loaded DVD, so I'm refusing to buy blu-rays until DVDs practically disappear. Silly, I know, but... yeah,


icecoldrain October 7 2013, 18:06:41 UTC
I've never used chicken wire, but I debated on whether or not it would be worth the battle to buy some and make ghosts out of it lol.

Bluray is the best tbh. It's like WOW, LOOK HOW SHINY AND CLEAR IT IS on your favorite movie that you've seen a zillion times before.


invsagoth October 7 2013, 18:15:40 UTC
Chicken wire isn't terrible, but it does like to misbehave! If you use it, make sure to have gloves because it gets kinda pokey. When I was first using it in class the teacher didn't have gloves and hadn't let us know we should bring any, so I remember a lot of pokes lol.

Bluray is awesome! That and getting an HD tv finally a couple(?) of years ago has made our tv/movie viewing sooo much nicer! I remember us saying before that "Well, it probably doesn't make ~that~ much of a difference..." and then afterwords being like "YES. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. THIS IS AMAZING!" xD


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