Quick update

Oct 07, 2013 02:02

Worked a bit more on the photoshoot set today! I'm excited about getting past the armature for this. I haven't used chicken wire since 3D design class, still remember how much of a pain in the arse it is to make behave though! Still, it was the best option at the cheapest price.

Also really happy that Scottie is there to help me figure out how to get the armature working, since it is large, uses materials I'm not terribly familiar with, and said materials like to attack me. I'm not terrible at maths, but it's not my strongest suit and spacial vis is also not my strongest suit. Scottie is great at it though! Which is awesome, because this is how I feel trying to figure this stuff out.

Hiddles understands, this is just not what we're good at

Tonight Scottie and I watched Iron Man out of my shiny box set! Obviously we've seen it before but it was really neat seeing it on blu ray. <3 We totally have to watch the Iron Man movies leading up to our anniversary because it's our iron anniversary (this is like, the coolest one). xD

hiddles is my spirit animal, stark is my spirit animal, wedding anniversary

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