Jan 23, 2008 02:02
why are the girls at my school such cunts? seriously, i used to be intimidated by these people. what the hell!? yes someone died, no his death does not amount to the same as the millions of people dying from aids, doesn't mean you should ridicule someone when they're mourning. and yeah people feel a connection to him because he portrayed someone they were able to relate too...i can assume that's never happened to you now has it bitch. because you are too above and superior to everyone else. people will stop mourning his death, it just happened, it hasn't even been a fucking day. and it came as a shock. he was young, and from what everyone could tell healthy and normal. stop being such fucking cunts. seriously, i was kinda happy when reagan died because he was an asshole, but i wasn't going to tell anyone they were an idiot for being sad about it. i bet if it was a person who championed for your rights or whatever makes you so morally marvelous you would be upset. and if you told anyone that you were upset about it, they wouldn't make fun of you! get over the fact that most people don't care about the same shit you do. all these liberal bitches who think they are nothing like the right wing because they have logic and science and reasoning on their side and care about their fellow human being, well bitch you're the same because you're forcing it down everyone else throat. and you know what, when you come up to me a month, two months, a year from now because you need help with your campaign i'm going to remember that you were a cunt, for a moment of mourning, and i won't want to help you. no one is claiming to know him, just that he made their lives a little more fun, gave them something else to think of, and that it is sad that such talent is gone. he wasn't a bad person so i don't know why you have to be so disgusting about it. for most people they will stop their morning a month from now, and it will go away. so shut the fuck up, you can endure it because you are supposedly so strong.