Who: William, Remus, Kat, Alex
When: Saturday December 13 after
Sven and Su get kidnappedWhere: Hogsmeade Main Street
what: Sven fails to show up to meet Will, Will finds his cloak and wand, Will starts to panic, Alex, Kat & Remus intervene
Clutching Sven's cloak and wand tightly in his left arm, he rushed down the main street of Hogsmeade heading blindly for the castle. The rips in the cloak, everything, it didn't add up. Something was wrong, he needed to find Sven. Needed to-
"Whoa! Hey there, watch where yuir goin' lad!"
Alex released Kat's arm and attempted to sidestep Will.
"Ye all right, what ye got there? Is that Sven's cloak?"
Stepping a bit out of the way of the two boys, she frowned at the look on Will's face. She hadn't seen him that agitated before, but the last time she had was when he ended up staying the night as a wolf in her bed. Coming closer warily, she laid a hand tentatively on Will's arm.
"Will, what's wrong? Is everythin' alright?"
"Sven. He's gone. Found this behind the buildings," he said holding up the torn cloak and the wand.
"Need to.. do something. Find him.." he said pushing away from both of them.
"Whoa, hold on there lad..." He clamped a firm hand on Will's shoulder. "We're all Sven's friends, eh? All in this together, no more running off on yuir own. Let's get this sorted. We can get Cho too, she'll be dead handy."
Biting her lip at the slashes in the cloak, she nodded as she stood beside Alex.
"If someone managed ta take Sven, they're probably more than one guy can handle. Alex is right, he's all of our friends. We wanna help him an' ya. We can help. Were there any other signs 'round where ya found these? Drag marks or anythin'? Ah mean, ta know if he's in the area or farther away."
He struggled to break out of their grasp.
"Er, wha? Oh. Just kind of disappeared. The tracks that is.." he said, not quite able to think clearly.
He pondered that.
"Riiight. So. We gonna have to do some kind of a locator then? Fook, Ah thought this sorta shite was over and done with."
He ran a hand through his hair.
"And things were goin' so well. Well since that ancient Russian bastard sodded off anyway."
She rolled her eyes slightly.
"Yeah, that didn't go quite so well. Not every day ya got the Russians an' leopards an'tigers pouncin' everyone. Do ya think it might have anythin' to do with that? Lot of people were lookin' fer Sven then?"
"Russians? No, he returned the book," he said, half to himself. "I don't know if he could heal himself if they tore his arm off..."
He looked apalled.
"Was there blood? A lot of blood? There's nothin' onna cloak... Ye think they tore his arm off?"
Taking a deep breath, she shook her head.
"Hold on. His whole arm couldn't be off. There woulda been somethin' to have given Will a clue he'd been hurt. Ya know, blood or well.. an arm..." she said before shaking her head again to stop that train of thought. "What 'bout the leopard men? Would they have done it?"
Walking out of one of the stores, he frowned as he say three students gathered in the street that didn't meet the mood of the surrounding milling crowd that usual occured on the Hogsmeade weekends. Spotting the bright red hair that could be only a few people, he frowned more when he saw that it was Kat, Will, and Alex standing together, the last two people making him worry considering Will's last therapy session. Walking towards the group, he caught a bit of the end of the conversation and looked curiously between them all.
"Arm's off? Leopard men? What is going on here?"
"Sven's gone. Disappeared. Found this behind the stores," he said frantically as he held up the cloak and wand.
"Just bloody gone. Not sure if it's the Russians or who?"
"Ah dinnae actually think someone's arm's off. Will's jumpin' ta conclusions. Kat's right there'd be blood all over. Hullo Professor Lupin. But if Sven's gone...."
He put an arm around Kat.
Taking the cloak from William, he fingered the slashes in it, frowning a bit in thought.
"Claws... We can rule out some odd skirmish with the golems then unless they have become intelligent enough to figure out how to change their form. Although that would take too much effort in general... Have you done any sort of location spell yet?"
Leaning into Alex's arm, she shook her head as she reached her hand out to take Will's hand.
"No. Alex thought 'bout it, but well..." she trailed off as she bit her lip and glanced at Will.
Not wanting to let go of the cloak, he kept a hold on it even when Remus took it.
"Got stuff back at the room to do spells," he said, trying to force his brain to focus.
"Need to go," he said, tugging the cloak away and heading towards the castle.
"Right, well, let's go then. Let's get this sorted and figure out what's happened to Sven."
He took off after Will.
Watching Kat hurry after the two boys, he sighed and shook his head, cursing the young people as he tried to keep up. He couldn't even imagine how he and the rest of them had gone about doing this during their days at Hogwarts. Hoping that Sirius would not be too cross at his disappearance, he huffed out another tired sigh.
"William, if Sven is either in the area hiding or has been taken someplace else, he will not have moved too far that a locator charm cannot find him if we take a slower pace."
He slowed his pace slightly.
"Look, not sure all of you need to come along.. I mean, only takes one person to do a locator charm.."
He walked beside Will.
"Look, if something's happened to Sven... He's a mate, Ah want ta be involved. There's been too much o' that sorta thing happening. And besides if someone has nabbed him, yuir gonna need backup."
Catching up to walk on the other side of Will, she smirked as she glanced over at the two boys.
"Not ta mention someone ta knock some sense inta ya an' make sure ya don't run off half-cocked. Boys, all brawn an' no brain."
He chuckled softly as he pulled up behind the three teenagers, not wanting to impose.
"I take offense to that. You lot could use a good bit of planning though."
"Right. Sure," he said, tuning them out for the most part as he tried to figure out who could have taken Sven.
He turned to Kat.
"Oi, thanks a lot, love. Ah got some brains. Sometimes. 'Sides yuir nae comin'."
She rolled her eyes as she gave Alex a loving look.
"Ah know ya do, but it would do ya some good at use 'em in plannin' sometimes," she said before stopping in her tracks and gaping at Alex a moment before it turned into a glare. "WHAT?!? Ya've gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me! There is no way in Hell Ah'm stayin' here while ya go runnin' off all helter skelter an' gettin' nearly killed! Ah think Ah had it right the first time when Ah said ya got no brain if ya think that yer actually gotta keep me sittin' here like some frettin' housewife."
He stopped and turned to Kat, taking her hands.
"Look. Somethin' goes wrong. Somethin' happens. If this goes wrong... If somethin' happens ta yui... Ah'd lose mah shit. Ye think Ah got no brains now, if somethin' happened ta yui... Ah'd go nuts. Ah'd be like Will is now, useless. Need ta keep mah mind on doin' what needs doin'."
She scowled at Alex, knowing he was making sense in a way, after all, she remembered the battle at the first beginning of the school year where Alex had been injured.
"An' if it goes wrong an' Ah'm not there, what then? Somethin' goin' wrong doesn't mean Ah get hurt. It could mean ya get hurt or Will gets hurt an' what then? If we got more people, we got more ova chance. Yer preachin' ta Will not ta run off by himself 'cause it's stupid, what 'bout it just bein' the two of ya? Bein' noble might be sweet an' all, but it gets ya killed in the end when ya go off an' do it on yer own. Ah'm not losin' ya that way. If Ah lose ya, Ah wanna be there ta kill the asshole that did ya in."
Keeping pace with Will, he looked over his shoulder at what was going on and breathed out a sigh. Putting a firm hand on Will's shoulder, he stopped the younger boy.
"Hold up, William. If the spell doesn't work, the more minds the better."
"I'll be fine. There's the book, there's the Hand, there's books at the manor.. no need to get everyone else mixed up in it," he muttered, trying to pull away.
He shook his head and smiled, embracing Kat tightly.
"That's mah girl."
He started when he overheard William.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa.... Hold on there. We're not messin' with the Hand again, Ah just got mah back sorted after luggin' those fookin' tits around. If we're bringin' out the big guns, we get Cho. At least she's not gonna 'cause more harm than guid... Well, usually at least."
Hugging Alex back tightly, she breathed a sigh of relief and nestled her head against his shoulder.
"We're all settled then," she said firmly before making a face. "Yes. Please. No Hand involvement. Ah want Sven back, but not at the sake of my female organs."
He sighed as he nodded and kept a firm grip on Will's shoulder.
"William. You shouldn't do this alone. The Hand usually causes more trouble than good and while you have books at the manor, more hands will make faster work of them. The person missing being Sven has already mixed other people up in this. They will help whether you like it or not and it would be better if everyone was on the same page rather than coming up with ten different plans on their own."
"It was Cho touching the Hand that fucked everything up!" he snapped before giving Remus a stern glare.
"I meant.. " he trailed off before huffing out a sigh, fairly certain Kat would castrate him for threatening to use dark magic.
He shrugged.
"Well, Ah said usually. She's kind of touch an'go these days but if we need some heavy liftin' she'd do near anything for Sven's behalf."
He pointed at Will.
"We're all in this tagether for once. So come on then, let's find the bleeder before someone hurts him."