HAZA! I will be a driver again.

Oct 16, 2012 08:42

Eric just bought the new car. Part of me is jealous, I'm just getting the hand-me-down-Sunfire that needs to be cleaned SUPER bad. It's also an automatic, and I'm none to fond of them... BUT I won't need him to drive me to work anymore, so there's a plus in my book. I also won't be trapped at home all the time. I can finally get back out to the nature center or a quick trip out to Rochester whenever I want.

I may still end up spending some cash and get the car, especially the trunk, cleaned. We had an oil spill years ago in the back and Eric's tossed some pretty nasty things in that trunk over the years too. Gods forbid I want to use it for anything...

Wish there was more to say, but since I've apparently been made full time at work (no one's actually told me, but this is the first week in over two months that I haven't worked a full 40 hour week, and next week I'm right back up to 40 again), I haven't been feeling much like doing anything other than dinking around online and then sleeping. I do have a commission I need to work on, but it's kind of a pain in the arse and I feel like I'm screwing it up every time I touch the damned thing. I have been doing some personal drawing, but I haven't gotten around to hitting the scanner yet. I'm trying to figure out ways to get enough sleep in while getting drawing done, I just need to stop playing games online all the time. Ha ha ha. I'm terrible.
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