Looking for a story

Oct 31, 2017 00:11

Hello all! I'm looking for a certain alternate universe InuYasha Fanfic that I read some time back. If I recall correctly, Midoriko attempted to purify the jewel of four souls and failed. After this she was reborn as Kikyo and then Kagome, each of them failing to destroy the jewel with a "pure" wish. Now there is one final chance (I think?) and the soul is reborn as Izayoi, who is a central character to the story.
What struck me as particularly different was the fact that we watch as Izayoi grows up with a father and brother. Izayoi meets Inuyasha's father (I can't remember what name was used in this story) and the two make an arrangement for marriage to join the families together as an alliance. I remember that there was a war brewing amongst the humans in regards to who would be ruling the country next. It wasn't all fluff, there was some politics and world changing events going on.
It was well written and I would love to find it again. :)
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