Finding a Kagome/Sesshoumaru fic

Jul 26, 2016 22:54

Here's hoping someone would remember this fic.

What I remember:

The jewel was complete, and someone (either Kagome or Inuyasha) made a wish that resulted with Kikyo, Inuyasha's mom, Inuyasha's dad being resurrected, and Inuyasha being a full demon. If I remember correctly, Sesshoumaru was no longer the Lord of the West (his father resumed the position) and is a rebel. Kagome wasn't treated well in the new household. In a series of events that I can't remember, Kagome is (likely) kidnapped and taken to Sesshoumaru's rebel base. I think the ending had Sesshoumaru leading his rebel army to overthrow Inuyasha's dad, and he succeeds. Inuyasha, Kikyo, Inuyasha's mom, Inuyasha's dad are all killed by various characters.

One other minor detail that I remember:
Kagome (and someone I can't remember) enters palace and steals jewels, resulting in a fight between Kikyo and Inuyasha's mom.

Fingers crossed that someone knows this fic, and thank you very much in advance!

!searching for a fic, pairing: sesshoumaru/kagome

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