Title: Heist
Chapters: 1/3
inuolozGenre: Crack/Action/Randumbness
Warnings: Language, naive bank managers, angry Die
Rating: NC-16 (language)
Pairing: None 0_0 [perhaps some Kyo/Die if you have a crazy imagination]
Disclaimer: I saw Toshiya at Burger King and I shot him with my tranquilizer gun. Luckly I was able to take him to my house without raising too much suspicion The men own themselves..
Summary: Die gets a phone call from a bored Kaoru. And we all know how a bored Kaoru likes to scheme...
Comments: Comments are the food to my soul!
Die lazily opened his eyes. Neon, red numbers reading, ‘9:30 a.m’ met his gaze. “Still too early,” he grumbled, rubbing his face into the pillow. Just then the phone rang; Die, however, didn’t budge. Trying to block out the noise by suffocating himself in the pillow. Perhaps the lack of air will make the noise go away. It didn’t. Giving up hope, Die rolled over and fumbled for the phone. A bowl of salted peanuts and a glass of milk toppled off the nightstand during his hand’s venture. Finally he found it. “Moshiiii~” Die’s voice trailed off into an intelligible grumble.
“Die, it’s Kaoru. Meet me at the station by Shinya’s at 10:30.” And with that the phone clicked off. Die just laid there though. Black hair contrasting with the white of his sheets and pillow. His phone dangling out of his hand for a few seconds before it slid onto the floor. Again Die looked at the clock. 9:35 a.m. Still too early. “I’m going to f’ing kill Karou,” Die growled.
Kaoru arrived at the train station a little bit after 10:40. No one was there. “Figures,” he sighed to himself as he propped himself against the wall of the station. He didn’t have to wait long, about five minutes a familiar figure showed up. “Hey Shinya,” Kaoru greeted. “I believe I said 10:30 not 11:00.”
“It’s 10:45. I’m not that late” Shinya replied. Miyu barked in approval. “Why did you bring your dog?” Kaoru questioned, turning a thoughtless glance at Miyu-chan. Shinya sighed. “I was already about to walk Miyu when you called - OH GOD WHY IS IT SO HOT?”
“Let’s see, its 95 degrees outside and you’re wearing a blue jean jacket. Something wrong?” Shinya ignored him and led Miyu-chan underneath the shaded waiting area of the station. It wasn’t until Shinya realized that there weren’t any electrical fans available to cool himself with that he continued to bitch about the heat. “Take off the freaking jacket, Shinya,” Kaoru moaned, placing a hand on his forehead. Shinya gave him a horrified look. “T-take it off? And risk looking as dingy as you? You may have no standards for fashion but I do!” Miyu-chan barked again in approval. “Whatever, what took you so long anyway?”
“Oh, this random old woman stopped me as I was leaving the apartment and said that she was a relative of mine…”
“Was she?”
Shinya shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, but she didn’t ask anything of me. Just saying that it was nice to see that I’m alive.”
“Alive? That’s an awfully odd thing to say.” Kaoru’s words fell on deaf ears when Shinya spotted an outdoor fridge housing soft drinks to his left. Without a word, Shinya walked over toward the fridge and opened its door, cold air flowing out of its vents and onto Shinya’s hot body. “Yesss~” Shinya groaned in sweet bliss as the cool air caressed his frame. Kaoru just stared. “Why the hell…?” he thought. Just then, the roar of a motorcycle tore him from his thoughts. Kaoru squinted through his dark glasses and saw a familiar black-haired figure hop off the motorbike. “Riding without a helmet as always I see - ”
“You freaking bastard! Do you know how early it is?!” Die roared, his eyes still heavy with sleep. Kaoru gave him a long stare. “Are you trying to be visual kei Die?” Kaoru questioned pointing to the dark rings underneath Die’s eyes.
“You asshole!”
Miyu-chan barked in approval. Die just stared at the chihuahua, his gaze eventually traveling up to Shinya. “The hell Shinya?” Die said. Shinya didn’t say anything, the coolness of the fridge was just too overwhelming, it felt so…good.
“Aren’t you going to ask why I called you here?” Kaoru finally said. Die gave him a glare full of hatred. “I don’t even ask anymore. Just go along with the ride like I always do.” Die, too tired to yell, propped himself against the wall next to Kaoru. Just going along for the ride. Suddenly Kaoru felt something prod against his leg. Looking down he spotted a toy…a toy tank. Toshiya. Not wrong in his assumption, a squawking laugh erupted, causing both Kaoru and Die to look in the direction of the noise. “Hey guys,” Toshiya waved, a plastic shopping bag looped around his right hand a black remote in the left.
“Hey, Toshi. Did you get the things I asked?”
Toshiya simply nodded his head, the toy tank now prodding against Die’s foot. Die looked down at the miniature contraption and kicked it into the street…where it was run over by a car. Toshiya’s mouth dropped open as he looked up to Die, who was now paying no attention to him. “D-Die…” Toshiya’s voice trailed off as the loss of his beloved toy sank in. It was his friend. His beloved companion. He had the toy for a number of years and this was how its life ended? Toshiya tried to fight back against tears and his throat closed in on itself as he tried to overcome sobs. Kaoru let out another sigh and did another ‘face-palm’. It would all be worth it. “Now all we have to wait for is Kyo.” Die snorted. “Knowing him he won’t arrive until 10:00 at night…” Kaoru sighed in agreement. Hopefully Kyo won’t be too much of an evil bastard and might actually arrive in the next hour. “Happy Toshiya has run out of happy…” Toshiya muttered to himself. “Th-third person?” Kaoru, Die, and Miyu all thought. He finally lost it. As Toshiya was busy muttering to himself in the belief that he was the author of the story, a bright yellow bus crowded the side of the street. “A school bus?” Kaoru thought. The bus screeched to a halt and let out that ever annoying hissing sound. Doors opening wide and out stepped…Kyo? “The Hell?” Kaoru and Die said aloud. As soon as Kyo’s two feet touched the concrete of the sidewalk the school bus’s door closed and it raced off down the road…going the wrong way. “That’s bound to cause an accident,” Kyo grumbled. Silence settled. A solid minute passed before Kaoru finally questioned, “Kyo?” Kyo finally looked up, his eyes in an expressionless glare. “Can’t a man have a nice walk to the train station without being kidnapped by savage field trip moderators?” Die and Kaoru gave Kyo a questioning look. “Here I was walking to the train station when this woman insisted that I was a kid from the field trip. HOW THE HELL DO I LOOK LIKE A KID!?” Kyo screamed. Several people on the sidewalk opposite to the train station stopped and stared at the outburst. “Uh, Kyo. If you haven’t have noticed your not very ta -” Die was cut short by Kyo’s infamous death glare. His basilisk gaze caused the dark-haired man to shrink further into the wall. “What about the bus?” Kaoru boldly asked, wondering why the bus had vanished in such a state. Kyo simply looked at him. “The fucking bitch called me cute.” Kaoru nodded in understanding. “So, Kao. Why am I here?” Kyo finally said, stepping under the shaded area of the station. “Well. Since everyone is here. I suppose I should tell,” Kaoru said lifting himself from the wall. “We, gentlemen, are going to rob a bank.”
Oh noes…
A/N: Tell me, tell me~ how did I do? This is my first fanfic story [can you believe it?] so I'm a bit nervous. Again, comments are love!