One Shot: There's Just Something About Pizza (PG-13)

Dec 08, 2009 19:16

TITLE: There's Just Something About Pizza
RATING: PG-13 (just to be safe)
GENRE: Comedy, Romance, Crack
PAIRING: Kim Junsu/Jang Ri In
LENGTH: One Shot
SUMMARY: Who was she to ever turn down pizza?

A fanfiction by inumag

“I thought you’d sworn off pizza!” Taemin laughed, grabbing the door to swing it open for
his sister as they stepped inside the fragrant little ’hole in the wall’ restaurant they‘d
favored for years.

“Who can swear off pizza, Taemin-ah?” Ri In grinned, poking him in the ribs with her
elbow as they each grabbed a tray and made their way toward the buffet line.

“That’s so true. Especially this place!” He returned, rubbing his tummy as he licked his
lips. “You’d never think it to see it from the outside- maybe that’s why it’s our best kept
guilty secret!” He chuckled as he looked over the vast selection of choices spread on the
countertop before them.

“Doesn’t look or sound so secret anymore!” Ri In remarked as she cocked her head
toward what sounded like a jam packed dining area.

Sliding the orange plastic tray across the silver bars attached to the countertop, she
suddenly caught her breath.

“What is it?” Taemin asked, frowning intently at his sister.

“Nothing.” She answered, looking quickly back down as she reached for her purse.

“Nothing? It sure don’t look like nothing to me!” He whispered, his eyes scanning the
area behind the counter only to rest on Ri In’s reason for gasping aloud.

“Oh please, Taemin-ah!” She groaned, digging for her wallet- anything to keep her head

“Well, he was a major crush at one time, wasn’t he, Nuna?” He laughed softly.

“That was over a year ago at least, probably more now that I think on it. I had no clue he
was working here now!” She hissed, slapping at her brother’s hand when he tried to snatch
her purse away from her.

“A year? NO!” Taemin teased as they neared the object of her distress.

“Yes! Now please- Don’t embarrass yourself or me!” She admonished firmly.

“Ok. I promise to behave if you’ll promise to quit blushing!” He laughed, dodging a well
aimed blow directed toward his head.

“God! You’re impossible, really!” She frowned, reluctantly moving forward in line.

“Jesus! They don’t have just regular cheese pizza here?” Taemin groaned disappointedly
behind her.

“Who eats plain cheese pizza?” Ri In grinned as her gaze finally swept and caught the
chocolate brown one situated behind the counter from her, if only for a second.

“Me and I’m gonna get it too. It should be no problem, right?” The younger boy asked.

“Why can’t you just pick off what toppings you don’t like?” She begged, not wanting to call
more attention to herself than was necessary.

“No! It won’t take but a second. Wait up for me.” He said as he watched her hurriedly pull
a thick slice of pizza onto her tray. He almost commented that she’d gotten the one loaded
with anchovies- which she abhorred- but decided to keep his mouth shut. Sometimes
it was just best to zip your lips, especially if he didn’t want to be covered in bruises and
pizza sauce before they left the place.

“Good Lord!” Ri In moaned to herself, dragging her feet as she, at last, stood face to face
with him.

«It was so long ago, he probably doesn’t even remember…»

“Could I get a slice of plain cheese pizza, please?” Taemin spoke up at her side.

Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself for him to look up, and blew it out slowly as
he finally raised his eyes to hers, only to look right through her as he nodded and
answered her brother’s question.

A frown touched her face as she stared at him, then back to her brother, before hearing
her mother’s voice break through her thoughts. Spinning around, she nearly knocked
over a row of glasses filled with ice water and could’ve sworn she heard a snort of
laughter coming from him in front of her. Before she’d thought better of it, she turned
back around and met those deep brown eyes once more and this time they were full
on her.

Blinking, she swallowed back the angry retort that had come swiftly to her lips, instead
sucking in a breath when she heard what her mother was saying… to him!!

Standing openmouthed, Ri In’s eyes flitted between him, her mom, her brother and her
fiancé, Donghae.

“Junsu-sshi! I didn’t notice you back there when we came in!” Her mom smiled, walking
toward her daughter at the head of the line. “Did Ri Innie tell you the good news?” She

Junsu’s eyes slid from mother to daughter, a look of amusement lighting his handsome

“No, I don’t think she did. Did you, Ri In-sshi?” He asked, leaning his head to one side
as he smiled sexily at her.

“No need to.” Ri In muttered, clearing her throat as she peered over his shoulder to try
to see into the kitchen.

« What the hell is taking that damned cheese pizza so long? »

“Jang Ri In, I’m not believing this!” Her mother frowned, stepping closer toward the
counter as she pulled Donghae with her.

“Junsu-sshi, this is Lee Donghae, Ri In’s fiancé. Donghae, meet Kim Junsu. Our Ri Innie
had a huge crush on him not too long ago!” She trilled.

“Dear God, MOTHER!” Ri In gasped, horrified. “Where’s that pizza?” She yelled, directing
her question to the other guy that stood behind the counter, his expression highly amused
as he elbowed Junsu.

Junsu’s eyes slid from Ri In’s to her hand, taking in the huge solitaire that sat prettily on
her ring finger.

“I see…” He smiled slightly, a grin curling the corners of his mouth.

“No, you don’t see!” Ri In hissed, picking up the closest thing to her, which happened to
be a stack of napkins and flinging them into his gorgeous face. She’d never been so
mortified in her entire life and there he‘d stood smirking at her as if it all just amused
him to no end!

Batting the napkins away as if they were a mere annoyance, Junsu reached for and
grabbed her hand across the counter, pulling it toward his face.

“Nice rock.” He said through clenched teeth.

Pulling her hand roughly out of his grasp, she frowned as she heard his mocking laughter,
looking around for something- anything else to throw at him. She wasn’t sure why she
was reacting so harshly, other than the fact that sadly she had harbored an enormous
crush on him not so very long ago- as her mother had just nicely pointed out in front of
God and everybody!

Chuckling, Junsu leant behind the counter and before she realized it, pulled out a few
red tomatoes and several onions and without a second thought, began lobbing them
her way.

An onion hit its mark right between her eyes and ignoring the gasps of her family around
her, Ri In gave way with a snarl and started around the counter after him.

“Shit!” Junsu yelped, running into his startled co-worker as he tried to get away from
Ri In’s furor.

Several tomatoes had spilled into the floor between them and stooping to pick up a few,
she hurled them without forethought toward Junsu, smacking him a return blow right
between his eyes. Another well aimed and obviously ripe veggie splattered over the front
of his sparkling white t-shirt, marking it in juicy red splotches and still she continued to
batter him.

By now quite the crowd had gathered to witness what was going on behind the counter
and cheers erupted louder for Ri In with each splat upon poor Junsu’s body.

“Are you out of your mind?” He howled, ducking an onion that missed him by a mere
hairsbreadth. “Stop it!”

“You started it! I’m gonna finish it!” She hissed, rearing back to throw a particularly squishy

“Changmin-ah! Grab her!” Junsu shouted to the boy nearest her, only to be met with
a ‘no thanks’ from the frightened looking boy.

Laughing, Taemin watched as his sister rained down abuse on the poor guy, wondering
if and when he should step in to intervene. Knowing Ri In as he did, he decided he’d stay
firmly put for a bit longer- all in the name of his safety, of course.

“Enough!” Junsu finally growled, bravely stepping forward amid the flying objects and Ri In’s
grunts of exertion. Grabbing her wrist, he hauled her toward him and dragged her boldly
into the back storage room, shutting the door firmly on the applause and shouts for more
at the front of the store.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Ri In gasped, indignant.

How dare he pull her like the common rogue he was to the back room in front of her family
and the other customers in the place?

“I could ask you the very same thing but I won’t. Instead…” He grinned, pushing her
against the wall at her back.

“NO!” She hissed, twisting her hands in his firm grip, only to have it painfully tightened.
In seconds he had her imprisoned between his hard body and the wall, his breath warm
on her face.

“Engaged?” He smirked.

“Yes!” She stammered, taken aback by the mischievous glint his eyes.

“Oh really?” His smile widened and before she could take her next breath, he’d lowered
his mouth firmly to hers, kissing her utterly and completely.

Struggling for a second, Ri In soon found herself clinging to his hard biceps, wanting more!
God! She’d dreamed of this forever, when he wouldn’t even give her the time of day!
And oh could he kiss!!!

Releasing her lips from his own with a loud smack, he grinned down at her, bringing her
hands to his mouth.

“I always wanted to do that.” He whispered, running his tongue over the diamond engagement
ring she’d tried to play down only minutes before.

Breathless, she bit her lip, waiting, and not one to disappoint, Junsu pulled her firmly against
him once more until their bodies melted into one smoldering heap.

“You want me.” He hissed, backing the two of them slowly toward the wall.

“No. ” She murmured, unable to take her eyes from his, even as he nudged a knee firmly
between her thighs.

“Yeah, you do. I can tell.” He murmured, his pink tongue peeking out to slide over his full
lower lip.

“Junsu-yah” She breathed.

“Ri In-ah.” He teased, his hand snaking up to cup a firm breast, thumb just teasing the
hard little nipple.

She gasped, jumping in his arms until he lowered his head once more and kissed her
into oblivion.

A throat clearing at the doorway to the storeroom caused them to break apart at once
and turning, Junsu found Donghae, her fiancé, glaring stonily at the both of them.

“What the hell-?” Donghae yelped, his gaze unbelieving as he stared at his girlfriend and
the pizza guy- both covered from head to toe in tomato pulp as they clung fiercely to each

“Ri In-ah?” Junsu smiled, his eyes dancing with suppressed mischief. “It’s your call.”

Without a thought, she slid the ring from her finger, handed it to Junsu and watched as he
strutted over, reached for Donghae’s hand and opening the palm, dropped it safely in before
closing it up and winking at the guy.

“You sure took long enough to notice me.” He growled as he walked back and pulled Ri In
into his arms for one more long kiss.

Sighing, Ri In smiled inside.

Well, if that was what he thought, she wasn’t going to say one word!

Who was she to ever turn down pizza?

fanfic, tvxq, lenght: one-shot, rating: pg-13, genre: crack, kim junsu, language: english, title: something about pizza, genre: romance, genre: comedy, kim junsu/jang ri in

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