A post about pokemon

Apr 30, 2009 00:09

So I've been playing a lot of Firered lately, and I felt the need to post a few things about my pokemon playing preferences:

- I REFUSE to play a pokemon game above Gold/Silver. REFUSE. I have been considering perhaps getting Ruby and Sapphire so I could trade with FireRed and LeafGreen, but unless I find both at a very good price, it ain't happening.

- Why do I refuse? Because there are TOO MANY DAMN POKEMON for me to keep track of. I've played pokemon since the games first came out. I take PRIDE in being able to rattle off all the 151 pokemon and they're types, where to find them and at what level they evolve. My brain-pokedex can't handle more than the 250-ish that Gold and Silver gave us!

...A part of me wishes that if they MUST give a new setting and a new adventure, STOP MAKING POKEMON to go along with it. I want a new adventure, but I do NOT want new pokemon, capiche?

- When given the choice to pick a boy or girl trainer, I always play as a boy. When playing the original games I always play as "Red" even when playing Yellow. (I don't own Blue and my sister has LeafGreen). When playing G/S, I always play the Silver cartrage (I HATE the color Gold) and always play as "Silver".

- When choosing a starter pokemon, I always choose either the Grass-type or the Fire-type. I never chose the water starter. (I might have that one time I played a friend's Blue, but I can't remember).

- I think Pikachu is a fair pokemon, despite the hype.

- I don't have a "favorite" pokemon. I have ones I like to play. The ones I like to play are Lapras, Gyarados, Lugia, Pikachu, and Dewgong.

- I think Espeon is the prettiest pokemon.

- I ALMOST completed my pokedex once. On Red. I defeated the Elite Four and Gary, and was on my way to getting Mewtwo. Then my little sister DELETED MY GAME.

...I NEVER forgave her.

- I think Crystal is a waste of a game cartrage. At least Yellow had enough difference that it was worth playing.

- I think Lance is the hottest NPC.

- My favorite pokemon type is Dragon type. Kickass, man.

- My current team in Firered is lvl 39 Persian, lkvl 40 Vileplume, lvl 41 Pikachu, lvl 42 Gyarados, lvl 43 Fearow, and lvl 47 Charizard.

- In game, I'm at the Cinnibar Mansion, just before fighting Blaine. -_-

- I recently bought a pearl-blue GBA SP (never owned a GBA), game link cable, and all 5 original pokemon games (the only one we haven't lost is Silver) for less than $100 on ebay!

- I WILL complete my pokedex on Firered, and hopefully on Silver this summer.

- Also, I have Euphie and Suzaku fortune charms hanging off my DS.


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