Highly Volatile Insane Ramblings

Jun 14, 2008 16:07

So... I was reading through my f-list, and came across a post by a friend (fancy that. A friend on my friend list). I read the first link out of morbid curiosity, and ended up with a whole slew of links to her demented thought processes. She seems so bitter and biased to her ideas that there is no reasoning and the entirety of the male gender is some manner of evil. I consider myself a fairly easy going person, and I generally stay out of volatile topics, but this woman is insanely irritating. I would have just left her a comment that she's retarded and been done with it, but she freely admits to deleting comments of people who don't agree with her. That being said, I figured I'd just share her stupidity with the rest of you.

I'll start with her article on why lesbians shouldn't use objects in sexual encounters.

First of all, I find it rather amusing that she uses all sorts of big, fancy terms. I wonder if she thinks she'll confuse people into buying her opinions.

The strap-on is a phallus, it is used and manipulated as a phallus and the phallus is a weapon. I don’t believe that any amount of reinterpretation can undo the violent symbolism inherent in strap-ons. Seriously? I'm sort of wondering if that's her basis for seeming to believe that all heterosexual sex is rape, because, you know, the penis is totally a weapon of mass destruction. XD

I have read enough femmeslash and lesbian erotica to know that all penetrative sex, including penetration by fingers, is heavily saturated in phallocentric, penetrative ideology. Okay, not only is this silly, because, as far as I know, people usually use penetration in sex because it FEELS GOOD, but this totally contradicts the fact that she thinks porn is evil (link to that coming up here in a minute), so what is she even doing reading erotica? It's not okay to look at, but it's okay to read?

Onto why heterosexual sex = Rape

Simply put, male dominance means that sex is some guy acting his sexual fantasy upon the prone body of a woman. That is exactly what fucking is. That is exactly what sex is. What I was trying to describe as sex is not sex simply because sex is male dominance is intercourse is rapist. I'm not sure if I'm more amused by the fact that it appears, if left up to her, the human race would be extinct pretty soon out of lack of heterosexual sex, or if I'm more angry that she seems to be saying my fiancee is a rapist. XD

Apparently, Joss Whedon is a rapist.

I'm not even touching this. I happen to be very fond of both Firefly and Serenity. I don't really watch Buffy, but I'm fairly certain that there is no evidence in there that he's a rapist, unless of course, you are using her definition that penii are weapons and therefor men who engage in sex are rapists, or something like that.

I'm pretty sure this person kind of hit the nail on the head.

Apparently ONE article on how Joss Whedon is a misogynistic rapist wasn't enough.

Drag is often used by men as a way of expressing woman-hatred and they dress it up as humour. I have a good friend who is a drag queen, and I think I'm highly offended in his behalf. He's incredibly sweet and about as far from "woman-hating" as it gets.

Oh, oh and a male feminist (no, no they really do exist, like unicorns and fairies, don’t be so patriarchal) disagrees with me about all sex being rape. (I’m not sure where it is that I said that but if you find it, dear readers, let it be known that a unicorn ahem sorry, I mean a male feminist, disagrees with me. Alright, I'll be the first to admit, that while she frequently alludes to heterosexual sex being rape, as if women are all too brainwashed to know better, she doesn't actually come out and say, word for word, that all sex is rape. I find it ridiculous though, that she doesn't seem to believe in the possibility that there are men who want to be empowering towards women. It is people like her who give feminists a bad name, and how is she any better than the stereotype she projects about men when she is just as insulting, calling any man who is supportive of women's rights a "unicorn".

Wait for it.... There's a THIRD part, because she hadn't made an idiot of herself enough yet.

I’ve finally finished the damn thing. I won’t be allowing comments from anyone who is not a radical feminist (or pro-radical feminist) or a lesbian feminist/separatist. Yes, I am pro-censorship. Boohoo. She, perhaps sees it as pro-censorship. I see someone who is afraid that maybe someone out there with actual, real world logic, will prove her wrong. She's not afraid to put her opinion out there, but she IS afraid of the repercussions. Silly woman, putting out crazy articles all over the internets is for people who can take the backlash! (Oh wait... that was Trix... and kids... my bad)

Okay, so she seems to think that because not all the characters in Firefly grovel at womens' feet, that the show is misogynistic. That's an oversimplification, really. I am guilty as charged, but I just don't get this person at all. I write fanfiction. Anyone who has me friended knows this. I write about torture, rape (the real kind), and apparently amputee fetishism (thank you kink_bingo ). My point is, I have never tortured, raped, or taken advantage of someone who couldn't say no. How is a damn, fictional show, a basis for judging the person underneath? She complains that this one particular episode encourages subservience of women and violence against women and male domination. I'm curious, how was the lead character supposed to defend himself, anyway? Generally, in any action type show, the protagonist does not just stand back and take it. That would sort of negate the protagonist being the hero.

And here is the link that I first started reading. Warning for not entirely worksafe visual content.

Alright, I can see where some of the activities that she portrays as the norm of lesbian culture could be offensive to some people. That's as far as I am willing to agree with her, though. I find it silly that when a woman CHOOSES to engage in some part of the adult industry, she screams misogyny. As someone who spent time as a stripper, and as a model, I can say from experience that there are two types of women in the industry. There are those who go to it because they feel they have no choice, that they are good for nothing else, often transgendered women who have been pushed out of the occupation they were in previously. I feel very sorry for a woman who feels she has to use her sexuality to get by. There is also another brand of woman in the industry, the ones who are there by choice. It's not what I'd consider a healthy occupation, mind you, but it can feel empowering, and it doesn't have to be misogynistic. I think many former strippers, adult industry workers, etc. are very quick to cry wolf that they were used and tossed away because they fail at taking responsibility for themselves. Just because something does not conform to her ideals of feminism though, does not make it misogynistic.

I am not anti-feminist in any way. I feel though, that instead of complaining about what one things is wrong with the world, we should dedicate ourselves to making things right, perhaps giving another option instead of trying to tear down what's there. The company I work for was started by a woman who saw an issue with the fact that men made twice what women did in the 60's, who was tired of the fact that she was good at what she did and still got passed over for promotion after promotion. Instead of complaining about how unfair a male dominated society was, she started a company that was different. Oh, did I mention she was happily married to a man who supported that. Guess he must have been a unicorn. Guess my fiancee is a unicorn too. He's been incredibly supportive of my involvement in this company, doing everything he can to encourage my involvement and success. One only has to look as far as a male friend who respects us, disregarding our gender as a basis of whether or not to give us that respect, to see that not all men are pigs and rapists. One only has to look as far as a powerful woman who's doing something she wants to be doing, whether she's a stripper, or the CEO of a huge corporation, or even a housewife, who wants to be a housewife to see that not all things characteristically female have to be oppression.
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