Yes, my reminder is a little late. Getting ready for baby while I can still move and not be too horribly sore is taking a lot of time. Anyway, on with the show.
Remember, your Dirty Laundry fics and/or pics are due on Sunday, November 22nd at Midnight EST. The word max for fics is 350. We've only gotten one entry so far *pout* and I'd really love to see some more.
And yes, I just now realized i haven't made the participation banner yet. I'm sticking a note to my desktop now to do first thing tomorrow. I think I need to make a list of future prompts and make a bunch of the participation banners all at once. Then they wouldn't be late!
*edit* Participation Banner now up at the original
prompt post!
I know this is getting to be holiday time. If the deadline is closing in and you need or would like an extension, let me know and I'll be happy to do so. Also, I was thinking... for December, since it's such a busy time, would it be best if we just have one prov for whole month, maybe a holiday theme? Let me know your thoughts, okie?