2:00 am and still awake. . .

Jul 28, 2007 02:00

It's been a long day and I'm not helping myself by remaining awake. Work was full of suprises. And a 'Take down'. Interesting to watch on rewind.

They are moving me out of the com and putting me in DT. They think it will be a great move, since they think this is something I want to make a career. Not at what I'm being paid. No. Yes, I love the job, but I can't live on what they pay.

Tomorrow, (Or rather today as it were) will be a busy day. I have to get up early and run to work for a bit. I don't really want to, but I will. I have contracts to read and sign and fax out tomorrow bright and early. I've done one page of them. Blah. . I've no brain for it right now. Doubt I will be having one come morning, either. And I forgot to send out a card and the bills for utilities. Where is my brain???

I came home to a lovely suprise tonight, however. "J" had bought me a book I had been drooling and covetting for at least three days, (That was the last time I'd been in a book store. . .) It is the complete works of Leonardo D.V. The pictures are wonderful and take my breath away and have me marveling at what they could do with the mediums and materials back then. Wow! And the informatoin in it is great! Such an interesting man.

And speaking of interesting men, dad's birthday is on Monday. What do you get a man who has everything? Invisible dog on a leash? no. He's alergic to imaginary dogs. I mean really! What can I get him?!?!?

ON yet another off the wall topic, I was introduced to a way cool websight for 'retro' stuff that took me back to my days of youth. For nestalga sake, I downloaded the opening song for the movie, "Attack of the killer tomatoes!" which was a one of those really stupid 'B' movies that made little sense, but had some funny things in it. I'd forgotten the little creepy noises at the start of it. Freaked poor 'J' out when she heard it. Between that and the demonic stares my cat was giving, she'd had a night of weirdness.

Full moon out tonight. Must be why everyone and everything is so crazy.

Well, I feel I have rambled long enogh and jumped about on topics until I've confused the most lucid of beings. I shall now try to retire to bed and fall asleep. I feel I might make it. :) If I can kick the cats off now. . . .


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