Jun 30, 2004 06:22
I'm so disturbed by recent events that I was almost tempted to throw up this morning. Everything is starting to pile up and, while I used to have hope for mankind, I've given up on the vision of a brighter tommorow. I just don't see any way out of the bind that we're in except for war. North Korea is openly making nuclear weapons now, as is Iran, from what I hear. Bush wants to send thousands more troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. Sun Yung Moon is apparently our messiah now, and was crowned with the Crown of Peace. Apparently, he runs a multi-million dollar organization in which he brainwashes people, claims to be God, and owns the Washington Times (which he uses to "spread the truth about God"). Bush is still in office, which is ten times worse than all of the formerly listed problems combined. People have even been led to believe that the ACLU is evil and wants America to be attacked. Yes, it's the ACLU screwing up foreign relations and starting wars. Those bastards. I knew they were behind this the whole time. I'm not being an asshole here, but I honestly think the world would be much better off if we were at a fourth of our population. If another world war breaks out, I wouldn't be surprised, and I wouldn't be too disappointed. I mean, sure, I might have a few doubts when I'm about to die, but it'll pass.