Things that keep me from doing what I intended to do on my computer (AKA projects I stupidly took on right before I left):
- People sitting right next to me and going, "What'cha doing?" every 3 minutes.
- People sitting behind me and reading over my shoulder.
- People constantly glancing over at me and asking their friends, "Hey, is that girl still here?"
- People constantly like, "Okay, I'll let you work," and then almost immediately going "Oh hey, so there was this one time-"
- People being really fucking clingy.
I went to Philmont to work and hang out with PEOPLE. Not A PERSON. All of the above except the 3rd one are all basically one person. (And before you ask, no, it's not Laura. It's never Laura. Laura has her own shit to do and is perfectly fine with sitting in comfortable silence.) Other things this person does is whine he doesn't have a computer. Fakljslenvc.
So we're doing training! WOOO!! There's really not much I can say about it because training is training and it's really not that interesting.
Oh! Today we had conflict resolution with a Chaplain. Since I'm the only girl at my camp, he basically singled me out and every example he made included me somehow and it was incredibly awkward. Then he said the line, "Girls think differently from boys." and we all kind of glanced at each other in this incredibly awkward way like, "Uh, what?"
"Now my father told me that to deal with women that sometimes you just have to buy some candy, get some flowers, and apologize. Treat this girl like a queen. Also, if she grabs another girl and walks off with her, she'll probably be talking about all you. You just need to let her vent. It's what girls do."
I am not even kidding you.
It was so awkward.
So now it's basically the joke between all of us that I think differently. No, I can't cook for you because I think differently. I won't understand a feminist joke because I think differently. It's actually kind of funny. Even I'm doing it.
Also, we have a seminary at our camp. This means every conversation we have as a group somehow ends up talking about God. I'm okay with this every once in a while, but, uh, can we talk about something else? It doesn't help that the seminary is only 19 and acts 16 and I'm beginning to think is kind of sexist and a bit... socially awkward? He claims to be terrified of women, will constantly remind me that he isn't allowed to get a girlfriend, and... I don't know. He just doesn't really think before he speaks or listens to anything anyone actually says. Like I mentioned that of course PJ has electricity because we have showers and showers need electricity to run. And he said that isn't possible because we would all get shocked if the wires were exposed. Huge facepalm moment right there.
I'm mostly irritated because training is all HURRY UP AND WAIT and I'm ready to just... go. Start the freakin' summer. Stock and clean and sell campers whatever they need to be sold. But we don't scatter until the 6th. BLUH.
It could be that I have a huge headache right now and also am in charge of watching everyone else's stuff and PERSON is saying "Hi" and "Whatcha doing" every 5 minutes, but I'm really fucking irritated right now.
The good news is... Laura is fucking awesome, like really really happy and it's awesome. YAY!