Castle [for
+ misc Castle and 1 Nathan Fillion wallpaperNotes;
This is my set for round 2 at
inspired20in20. Gonna be honest here, this set was really hard for me. You'll probably notice that as you start to look at it, because most of the work below feels like it's a step back for me - and I don't think I need to tell you how frustrating that is. I'm not sure what the problem is here; if it's because I've only been on the very fringes of Castle fandom for awhile now whereas I used to be in the middle of it, if it's because the inspirations weren't inspiring (which would be suuuuper lame, because I picked them all), or if it just had to do with the time crunch that happened partway through the month, but something messed with my iconning mojo. So please, after you look at these, be all CARYN WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Maybe that will help me.
As for the things below my set, most of them are old entries to
castle_icontest / other random icontests or rumbles, some of them made about...six months ago, probably. And then my first ever wallpaper (\0/) that I made for
And I kind of had no idea what I was doing there, so I just made it up as I went. I don't think I even need to say that feedback and crit are welcome after that little rant, but just in case: they are. Doubly so.
And in the realm of not-quite-related things, am I the only one having issues with LJ right now?
Apologies if formatting is wonky. I've been fighting LJ for a long time now to get this post to look right, and I am sick of pressing the edit button only to find that more of my formatting has been messed up. ><
The Set;
[01 - 05]
[06 - 10]
[11 - 15]
[16 - 20]
word: happy // word: scared // word: contemplative // word: scared // word: shocked
icon by gigglemonster // word: melancholy // word: nervous // word: please // word: irritated
icon by raiindust // word: determined //
icon by raiindust //
icon by motorized // word: shocked
word: curious // word: morose //
icon by redbird94 // word: worried // word: working
Alternates & Others;
[21 - 25]
[26 - 30]
[31 - 35]
[36 - 40]
1280 x 800 |
1440 x 900 → please credit
rocketgirl2→ hotlinking reposting on other sites
→ textless icons ≠ bases
→ comments + concrit = ♥
watch /