why don't you ever play the messenger? ):

Sep 15, 2008 00:38

i'm afraid to say she never made it home
i'm afraid to say she never made it home
i'm afraid to say she never made it home
i'm afraid to say she never made it home
i'm afraid to say she never made it home

i don't listen to my heart
you shouldn't either
it's stupid, it's reckless
it's the worst thing in the world

tonight with all the scary kids songs....
yeah let's not get into my head or my emotions
i'll just say they played good
and i had fun in the "pit"
along with going crazy during darkest hour
and telling janella stories during the pit
apparently that's a talent  ^_^

best shower ever
i feel so nice now
except i just realized i put my shirt on the wrong way  >.<

i don't even remember most of my weekend
ehhh whateverr
i saw some cool ppl so i'm happy

oh robert....

oh eddie....

l-o-l at the cute girl who looks like mandy moore checking me out
i feel bad for her boyfriend rofl

i don't really know what to write
so stream of consciousness ftw!

me and janella are going to break our arms to get casts.  andria bit me but i bit her better.  i'm starting to get more comfortable in maria's house which is odd considering the situation rofl.  i love eileen muchisimo.  i am very tired and glad i don't have to wake up early.  me and janella are going to "bump" into each other this week.  i bought 10 hamburgers for 5 bucks today yay.  17 is the best age ever!  i love everything in the world grape flavored.... except for grapes lmao.  andria says i'm mean :/  eileen won't answer me  ):<  bitches be trippin lulz.  i wish i wasn't such a jealous person, i wasn't like this a year ago.  fuck MY life.  i wanna be skinny again  ):  i bought a cute shirt today  :D  i want more friends, not new friends, just more friends.

life sucks
who wants to have an orgy with lots of drugs?
goodnight (:
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