Jan 14, 2008 07:40
Did I think tempura was a good idea? I know why. Because I have delightfully fond memories of tempura. Of the Japanese restaurant in EPCOT. The waitress (in her kimono) brought me kid's chopsticks (which I kept for years and years and years until the rubber band dissolved). Tempura, you have forsaken me.
The truth is, I can't eat fried food anymore. I'm a fuddy-duddy. I had four pieces, came home and got sick. The last time I ate fried food, it felt like my stomach had been filled with a family of angry bears.
Last night I had a late Tevila, so I didn't get home until 11:30. I was actually quite a pleasant experience. My toiveler had an appointment ahead of time and I was gracious and polite, so I didn't feel put out by staying. I came home to a very tired hubby who was otherwise no worse for the wear, a happy munchkin and...a dog wearing a lei. It was really funny.
So I got the monkeybear into a bath post-haste while he attacked the oobie. I unlatched him just long enough to get him into a diaper and jammies, during which time he screamed and reached for me.
And now for a bit of nursing joy. Partly to share, partly as a reminder for myself when in my head, I'm screaming to get him off me. He was so worked up and harassed by getting dressed for bed sans-oobie. Once I climbed into bed with him and he started nursing again, it was really yummy. He looked up at me with first relief and then contentment as his little eyes started to roll back and he got milk-drunk. He patted me and said "Mmmmm." I stroked his hair while he shluffed out and cuddled him up all warm and deicious. I watched him nurse in his sleep, looking exactly like he did when he was a newborn, just bigger and less wrinkly. Finally, he popped off, rolled over and stretched.
He only woke up once to nurse and this morning when I got up for my 7:15 kallah (my choice, no babysitter available this afternoon), I was all "Weeeee we're closer to nightweaning!" and then I didn't close the bathroom door before opening the medicine cabinet and forgot about the loud scraping noise it makes when opened and woke him up. I tried nursing him back down, but it was for naught as it was 5 to 7, I wasn't dressed yet and he wanted to nurse and nurse and nurse and nurse and I finally had to unlatch him and hope for the best. Alas, he couldn't settle himself back down and when I left the house, Hubby had given him some cereal and turned on Sesame Street for him.
Here's hopin he wants to cuddle up and go back to sleep with me when I get home. Nothing sounds better right now than a nap and some snuggle time.
oh crap