And in other news -

Dec 06, 2007 19:43

*Last night and this morning were the pits wrt Moo's sleep.  He went to bed late (midnight) because we had friends over for Chanukah and then we called my inlaws to do

My mother in law fills pillowcases for all the kids, kids in law and grandkid and we sit in a circle (when we're not there, we do it on speakerphone.) pulling out one item at a time.  It's all kinds of random ridiculous stuff.  Last night I got things like a mini bath poof, hotel soaps, salad tongs and a Shrek puzzle.and open presents.  At 12 I had to pry him, screaming away from the Little People Schoolbus my inlaws sent him, but once I laid him down and got him on the oob, he shluffed out pretty quickly.  I got in the shower and shortly after I got out, Blueberry nudged him and woke him up.  I stood there for a second, thinking he'd settle back down, but I waited to long and by the time I laid down with him, he was *up*.  It took him over an hour to go back to sleep.  Then, this morning at like, 7:30, he fell out of bed.  I was holding him and he rolled and I didn't grab him right and thud.  There's usually a futon cushion there just in case, but I forgot and now he has a big red mark on his head.  Mommy of the year!  Then he just wanted to alternate between nursing, snuggling and flopping all over the bed and I was exhausted so I just laid with him until he went back to sleep around 9:30 and then my eyes snapped open at....12!   He was still out cold, I had a dr.s appointment at 1 and the babysitter was coming at 12:30.  YIKES.  So I got up, left him in bed, he slept till 1ish and is now miserable because he's been denied a nap all day.  My poor, valiant hubby is taking care of him.  Hopefully this means when I get home after we light he'll go right to bed and come tomorrow, he'll be back on track for more normal sleep.

*I am eating this crazy, fabulous soup from Estihana.  It's called Mai Fun soup and it came in a 1 quart container and it's got rice noodles and all kinds of vegetables and if I'd had something else to eat today, it would be a whole meal.

*Since I slept like a college student this morning, today was nuts.  I threw myself together, ran out the door to the doctor, waited 40 minutes and paid a $30 copay to bend my thumb and be told I'm healing nicely and only need to wear my splint when I'm lifting stuff.  Then I ran home, took the baby to gymboree, went to the grocery store, came to work and here we are.

*Chanukah has been delightful thus far.  It's my favorite holiday, have I mentioned that eleventy billion times yet?  I made latkes and borscht Tuesday night and we had them last night too and we're now officially burned out on both.  The borscht came out all right, but was missing something, plus I couldn't find kosher rye bread and what really makes the meal is rye bread with garlic rubbed on the crust dipped in the borscht.  Ohm nohm nohm.  So far from hubby I've gotten a mandolin slicer and the purse I was chaloshing from the Disney store.  I gave him the three stooges DVD he's been reminding me he wanted 3 times a day since it came out and a lunchbox. We gave Moo an Ernie hand puppet and Sesame Street Old school Volume 2 (Volume 1 is still in his pile.  The inlaws sent Hubby a nice backgammon board and a best buy card, I got a bunch of chenille socks (I get chenille socks from them every year, I have to throw away the old ones to make room for the new ones) and a pink chenille sweater which zomgsocomfy and Moo got that school bus and a DoodlePro which is like a magnadoodle (which I always wanted when I was a kid and thus spent a long time playing with Moo's when he opened it.).  He was so excitd over the schoolbus that he had hysterics when Hubby couldn't get it out of the box fast enough.

*I walked across the park to get to my doctor's office and while it was frigid cold, it was absolutely beautiful.  there was a little bit of snow on the ground and the ponds are starting to freeze and it wsa the middle of hte day and cold, so there weren't a lot of people out so it was quiet.  It was really nice.

*I'm so used to not using my thumb, I have to remember that it (somewhat) works again. 

and in other news, chanukah, family

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