I was just handcuffed and held in the back of a cop car for an half-hour. The police told me I was under arrest because I refused to show ID while riding my bike. I was never read my Miranda rights, I was just held handcuffed in a custodial situation in the back of cop car 444. My bag was illegally searched yet he barely patted my person down.
I will update more tomorrow. I have a close transcript from it but need to clean it up.
The quick gist was the cop repeatedly called me butthole, idiot, said I acted a fool.
If you want to read more you can read kristin's version because she actually came to where the cops were holding me blocks from my home. Her version is at:
http://insectgod31.livejournal.com/153525.html I really appreciated all that kristin and the Dandelion Family did for me tonight. It means a lot to me.