When fandoms collide - Dream Edition

Oct 05, 2011 21:58

I've been watching Prison Break alot lately and paired up with reading fic before bedtime I think my brain got some kind of mixup between the two. Last night I had a dream where I was in prison, no idea for what, and then basically all of bandom was stuck in there too + a Dutch foreign exchange student (yeah, Idk how she got there). Anyway, Ryan was the one with the plan on how to break out which he had figured out since he needed to get Pete out of jail. Brendon was mostly flailing around, almost getting us all caught, all while trying to get into Ian's pants but Ian only had eyes for Spencer. (Brain wtf?). In the end I ended up crawling with the Dutch girl through sewers to get out and once we did Ryan was there and gave us hugs and then shot of fireworks. Not sure how subtle that was but it's not like anything else in this dream made sense.

In conclusion, I think I need to cut down on Prison Break. It's not like I'd cut down on reading fic ;)


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