Beautiful Mount Carleton!

Sep 30, 2007 20:08

We traveled to Northern NB last weekend and it was amazing! Full of mini-mountains and colorful leaves. Absolutely gorgeous! I was a bit worried that I wouldn't do so well hiking up a mountain, but I didn't die and we didn't get lost or stuck up on the mountain over night. Yay for us!

Of course, there are lots of photos behind the cut, please check them out.

If you want to see a larger image, just click on the pic.

This was the sight that greeted us upon entering the park. We both got fairly excited when we saw this beautiful bear. We don't get to see very many of them living in the city.

mc_questionmark ready to become a mountain man for the day.

I friggin' love moss! :)

Isn't it beautiful?

Taking a rest on a convenient boulder.

I'm not sure if you can see it, but there is a cute little chipmunk hiding behind that branch. He was skittish and ran away when I tried to get closer.

By this point we'd already been hiking for at least an hour and a half. Of course my lovely hubby wanted to go the rock ridge route. I was a bit worried but that's nothing unusual for me. :)

He was coming back down to see what was taking me so long. :) Pictures and trying to catch my breath, of course!

I'm so glad we took the difficult way, it was absolutely amazing to look out at the surrounding mountains. The pictures don't even come remotely close to how beautiful it was there!

This gives the impression of being at the top but actually we still had to walk across the mountain for a bit to get to the top.

I don't know if he watched He-man when he was younger but I certainly did and that's what this pic reminds me of. And yes, that is a sword.

We're close to the top now.

I made it!

We took the alternate (easy) route back down the mountain. It was actually quite a bit less exciting.

We were supposed to camp that night but we ended up finding a hotel room with a jacuzzi. It was perfect after our hike. :)

There are other pics from our drive home but I think that's probably enough for now. I hope you enjoyed them!

hiking, bears, nb, leaves, mt carleton

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