Once again, Inverloch does not fail to amaze me. And not in a good way. Sarah Ellerton keeps talking about how this is such a great scene, when it's really rather lame. I don't know what is going on with Lei'ella's hair. Someone should just dump a bucket of water on her head, maybe then it won't keep changing volume.
On a more positive note, the art seems to have reverted back the tiniest bit to its more realistic origins while keeping the lovely coloring and improved proportions of her recent work. Neirenn's face on page 548 when Kayn'dar lashes her aside is quite realistically shaped, and I was very pleased.
Varden seems to serve no actual plot purpose whatsoever; he has his little romantic moment, and he fills the spot for the dark, moody one, though that seems to have disappeared from his character, and he's the fighter, but he hasn't actually done ANYTHING. Considering this is the climax, Ellerton should have at least given them some previous fights to show his "fighter-status." As they are all very much stock characters (Neirenn the ambitious young overly powerful mage, Acheron the sweet-tempered useless kid, and Lei'ella, formerly, anyway, the sharp-tempered denied-of-her-birthright elf) Varden, who is a combination of the dark figher (though Lei'ella also serves some purpose in that role) and the laughing thief, should have more chance to actually BE the fighter. In the latest update, we may as well just stuff him in his closet. "Hey, you're all human, you're a big pansy, so what are you doing here other than turning Lei'ella into an even bigger pansy?"