Apr 14, 2005 21:39
was so amazing!
hopefuLLy we wiLL do it for the eLementry schooLs.. if you didn*t see it you missed out.
i Love drama cLub, and james toLd me after it was our Last pLay at the RHS auditorium because we are doing taming of the shrew outside at the park.. it is SO crazy that aLL of this isn*t gonna be here anymore. :(
i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE everyone invoLves ESPECiALLY DDT. seriousLy we may get at each others throats but it worked out. even if i quit for Like two hours. LoL i wouLdn*t waLk out Like that. i Love it too much.
weLL that*s it!
Love yousss,