Apr 08, 2005 15:37
k soo i haven*t updated in a whiLe
at the moment i am babysitting but emiLy is napping so i can*t do much.
so yesterday i went and visited WSC. weLL i Liked it aLot, and since i can*t afford to go AZ state, that*s proLLy where im going. :( i*m sad i can*t go to ASU, but in a way im gLad cuz if i go to westfieLd, racheL is gonna be there and she is Like my BFF. so it*LL be easier to go through the change. aLso we wiLL most LikeLy be roomies. it*s gonna be a good time. everyone is saying we are gonna fight but seriousLy i HATE girLs. i don*t get aLong with many most get on my nerves. sooo i aLready kno rach and sure if we fight we fight, but even if i roomed with someone i did*nt kno i wouLd fight. besides when me and racheL fight we fight about the most RETARDED thing at a certain time.. if you get it.. and then two seconds Later we are Like whatever. idk, i think it*s gonna be fun cuz we both have our own things to do and we wont be together 24/7 once everything settLes and aLL that. i*m excited cuz it*LL make things so much more.. comfortabLe. haha. but that*s enough about that...
ok weLL im gonna go cLean my house or sumthing since i can*t do anything eLse cuz im babysitting. bye my Loves.
<3 xoxo, tiffany