Ugh so I had written HALF of this and LJ ate it because i had to restart my computer. Bummer.
So travel day wasn't that great. I'd been really sick, strep again, and had spent the day before cleaning frantically and packing frantically because I thought i was going to stay at Alex's so she could drive me to the airport and i could leave the van at her's so I wouldnt have to pay parking. Well, it fell through and I ended up getting gouged on parking.
I had to get up at 2 am and my antibiotic ripped me up and I was running laaate for my flight and it all sucked until I got to St Louis because then I felt better and the gates were right next to each other and it was great! And I read more Harry Potter! Apparently, Sally and I were reading Goblet of Fire at the same time haha.
Then Newark! And Sally! Whom is thebest and Ilher. That place is so confusing and we almost couldn't figure out how to get OUT of the PARKING LOT but we managed and got talking about MCR out of our system haha.
We stopped at WaWa's on the way back to her house where I amused the cashier by dancing to the BeeGees. I got a salad that was delicious and we ate and then pretty much settled in for MOVIES. We watched so many quality movies that night haha.
There was: Three MST3Ks (Touch of Satan, SoulTakers, the cult one I dont remember the title of!) and Jaws (right after the last bit of an ocean documentary with some dude swimming peacefully with a shark lololol) and LOTR: Fellowship and part of Mortal Kombat.
We heckled, lol'd, and so many inside jokes were born. It was an awesome night just chilling out and watching movies!
And then the next day was New York! I hadn't been there since I was like, 8 years old so I was all excited. We left in the afternoon, stopped and got some Dunkin Donuts so I could make sure I took my antibiotic and headed over to NYC to meet up with Manuela at the venue!
A Mikey on a train!
We spent the day doodling, listening to music, talking, and just hanging out. It was really nice! Manuela is pretty awesome! We have a lot in common! :D We also met Trio Mama, whom is an older lady that Manuela knows from sitting in line for a Trio show, she was really awesome!
One point the guys walked past. There was still only like 5 of us in line but we were like HIIII haha. They had their instruments because they'd gone and done a radio show, but they stopped for a second to say hello and Derek said 'See you on barricade like usual, right?' to me and i as like YES YOU WILL :D :D :D
Me and Sally <3 (who would want me to inform you that she is NOT flipping off the camera!)
my hair doing strange things.
<3 <3
Us as bats! Manuela, Sally, then me of course :) (with the messy purple hair, of course~)
ALKALINE TRIO AS SOUL TAKERS! With Dan's soul, because he wouldnt fit in the pic. LOVE IT.
Sally and Manuela!
me dwarfing Manuela ahaha.
lol my hair.
awww :D
Then it was time to go inside! We made barricade :D I ended up right in front of Matt like i like :D yay. We held spots while people grabbed merch and water and settled in to wait! Irving Plaza has the weirdest projection screen, it was rather like being on acid!
Barricade derps XD
yay you can't see anything but it's the three of us, I promise!
Drowning Men: AWESOME! You guys they are amazing. Best facial hair EVER. No, seriously, I am not over it! They have a song where the singer plays a THERAMIN. YESSS. Very much pleased!
Click to view
The song with the theramin! SO AWESOME.
Then it was MewithoutYou. Which were ...okay! Not fantastic, not terrible. It was fun as shit to watch their drummer though. HAPPIEST DRUMMER TO EVER BE DRUMMING EVER. No, seriously. He had the biggest fucking smile on his face. Haha.
That's us down there at the very end, looking a little bored lolol~
AND THEN US LOOKING EXCITED! Except for Sally, whom is not paying attention. hhehehe. <3
ALKALINE TRIOOOOOOOoooooo. No seriously they are my favourite band on the planet and they never ever ever disappoint me. AND THEY PLAYED NOSE OVER TAIL and I think Matt heard me screech like I was dying when he introduced the song lololol.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~ Great show was great!
During the set, however, I totally got kicked in the head. WHAT A SURPRISE, you say, since i had gotten head injuries at every alk3 show i went too on this tour. Well, this time it was the back of someone's heel straight to the top of my head. Ouch! It left a bump for a couple days! And made me dazed and a little confused!
After the show we wandered about a bit, trying to find the bus but also making it look like we were not looking for the bus. We made it back and saw both Anthony Raneri from Bayside (close friends with Alk3) and Derek!
Derek got ambushed by someone else before we got to speak to him and he was about to walk away but we were like DEREK~~ COME SAY HI! and he did! He came over and gave me a hug and asked if this was the last show I was going too and seemed pretty happy to hear that I was gonna be at the Jersey show! (poor guy was exhausted :( ) he also wrote something out for Manuela so that was awesome! She got it tattooed!
Sally and I left earlier then we planned too, mostly because we were tired and i was getting a headache from the kick to the head because the adrenaline was wearing off. We listened to alk3 on the way home and discussed our fave songs and it was really nice <3
Then we went to Peterpank diner! YES the same one from the MCR Jersey trip that happened to have Mamaway and Handsome Don in it at the same time as us! It was kind of cool to be back there, even if i was wilting in my booth seat lol~
Kicked in the Head!Mikey! (like action figures, collect 'em all!)
No seriously. MELTING MIKEY.
Despite being tired and kicked in the head, i couldnt stay away from twitter! lolol.
We got back to Sally's after that and I had to ice the lump on my head before I could sleep. Sob. lol. Next day was hanging out with Mel, yay Mel! <333333
OK that's it for now~~