Nov 25, 2004 20:01
It wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I ate a huge variety in food, but in portions, as I've learn to finally control myself so I won't be dying later.
At one point, I was on the couch alone (I finished first because there wasn't room at the table, so I ate quickly) and Tyler came up to me (the dog) and I actually didn't mind having him next to me. Lol, he was in this ridiculous sweater, and my sister said his feet were she put baby socks on him. I swear, if you didn't know who the dog belonged to, you'd swear it was to a crazy 50-year-old woman will a knack for cute stuff. (Ash--AUNT RENEE ;-D)
I talked to always, she's still funny..whether it be sarcastic or "Hah-hah"...sometimes, I forget she's REAL. It's like that whole year knowing her was a dream.
I need to call some one. I need to just vent; forever. It's funny..I'm not mad or anything. I just feel...blech. I have no fucking clue.
And I'm sick of putting myself out there..I seriously need to shut the fuck up and become a clam. There's no opening my mouth.
My New Vocabulary:
"What's up?"
And those are the only words I will use when talking to people face-to-face.
I'm SUDDENLY not in the mood to write what I wanted. So, to anyone who reads this pointless shit, I say to you: "Fuck it".