
Jan 09, 2005 02:09

Hi all. I'm a strong INTJ, and new to the community.

I have a question which may be a bit strange, but I'm really interested in what others have to say. I've always been super sensitive, not just emotionally (which I am), but physically (in terms of physical stimulation), and was wondering if that's related to being an INTJ. Specifically, I mean that I'm incredibly sensitive to sound (loud sounds hurt, and repetitive sound, or any sound other than white noise, prevents me from falling asleep), light (bright light hurts my eyes), taste (I like more mild things, and am becoming allergic to more and more foods over time), touch (I'm not touchy-feely, and can feel pretty uncomfortable when people I don't know well invade my personal space, I'm super sensitive to textures and fabrics, and I HATE tags in my shirts because they're so irritating), smell (I hate perfume, on myself and others), and being around a lot of people can sometimes make me feel physically uncomfortable and irritated. Also, I have acid reflux and a really sensitive digestive system. I mean, what gives? It's kind of weird to be so sensitive, and I don't know anyone else like this. Do any of you experience these things?

Also, I just wanted to say I'm in a PhD program at Penn State studying statistics and human development, but with a 140ish IQ you guys make me feel dumb. I'm not being self-deprecating (well, maybe a touch). Mostly I feel proud to be a member of such a smart, interesting group of people.

are you like this, intro

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