As INTJs we are supposed to be unusual (warped?) in our sense of humour amongst other things. This raises the question... What types of entertainment do you like in terms of books/comics/music/movies? dislike?
How are we different from other types in our choices?
(I'm asking this partly because I'm curious and partly to get ideas.)
My preferences )
Movies: Despite some major flaws, I was impressed with the Lord of the Rings series. I also love the original Star Wars trilogy, though I have little use for the prequal. Monty Python can be a little obtuse for my taste, but makes me laugh nonetheless. I like old, unintentionally comedic horror, the Evil Dead series in particular. Mostly I have a hard time finding movies that are substantive enough for my taste, these days.
Comics: I'm a sucker for pretty art, so Fathom, Witchblade, and anything by Cross-Gen tend to catch my eye. I also like Gaiman's Sandman, and assorted spin-offs just for the strength of the story.
Music: I like a wide variation of things: Monophonic or polyphonic plainsong, Rennaisance and Baroque, late-Classical and Romantic-period stuff (there's a special place in my heart for Wagner) on down to British Isles, Norse, and Arabic folk, hard-rock, metal, and goth-rock.
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