Big Sur Marathon training - Week #3

Feb 08, 2010 21:14

Not much to talk about in training over the last week. As mention in the previous post, I seem to have got a shin splint. Haven't gone to the doc yet. Have been icing the injury, and glad that it has gotten better. Thanks to my friends Rajesh Jadav and manjunaths for generous tips.

Was at Lake Tahoe snowboarding on Saturday, and surprisingly it seemed to have helped heal the injury. My guess is that snowboarding specifically stretches the calf and other muscles in the region, without really putting strain on them like the way running does. So, it helped. Have pledged to board this weekend too.

Just hoping that I can start running again from next week. Let's see. The immediate milestone is to do the Sports Basement 5K on Feb 28th at a satisfactory pace. Apparently, only 200 people got through the mad rush for the race, and I kind of feel lucky. More details here. There's going to be a free Tshirt and will be meeting a bunch of runners in the local community. More than anything, the satisfaction of a decent finish should override every other incentive.

I bumped into the Palo Alto Run Club while looking for something online. Plan to join it soon. Should be fun.

Nothing more interesting this week. Will have something (hopefully good) to say next week.


big-sur-marathon, running

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