(no subject)

Sep 14, 2007 19:59

Public Enemy Number One: Sodium Chloride

Updated: 1:58 p.m. ET Sept 9, 2007
UNION CITY, Ga. - A McDonald’s employee spent a night in jail and is facing criminal charges because a police officer’s burger was too salty, so salty that he says it made him sick.

Kendra Bull was arrested Friday, charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct and freed on $1,000 bail.

Bull, 20, said she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat and told her supervisor and a co-worker, who “tried to thump the salt off.”

On her break, she ate a burger made with the salty meat. “It didn’t make me sick,” Bull told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

But then Police Officer Wendell Adams got a burger made with the oversalted meat, and he returned a short time later and told the manager it made him sick.

Bull admitted spilling salt on the meat, and Adams took her outside and questioned her, she said.

“If it was too salty, why did (Adams) not take one bite and throw it away?” said Bull, who has worked at the restaurant for five months. She said she didn’t know a police officer got one of the salty burgers because she couldn’t see the drive-through window from her work area.

Police sent samples of the burger to the state crime lab for tests.

City public information officer George Louth said Bull was charged because she served the burger “without regards to the well-being of anyone who might consume it.”



Another article I ran across that exhibits just how freakin' freaky things have become only, to tell the truth, I'm surprised Bull wasn't charged with being in possession of a weapon of massive dehydration, tagged as a terrorist under the bogus and illegal patriot act and sent to Guantanamo Bay where she'd hob-nob with the other insurrectionists. One would think that it wasn't a cop being so pig-headed and hard-assed but a member of the S.S. or Gestapo who should have demanded to see her papers before dragging her off to the train station and boxed up with the other people who shorted cops and political fatties of a penny in change, didn't look properly cowed when stared at, or were caught endangering every life on the planet by not wearing a seat belt while in a car, idling on 'park' in their driveway. Bull should be in prison being fed her plate of supper, minus a sausage ... a salty sausage.
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