Killing in the name of......?

Feb 11, 2010 16:29

Oh my God. Seriously? Another Terrorist attack in Pakistan:
This one happened in Karachi. 25 dead.

Americans love to put all the foreigners into one big basket with a ribbon on it. Those people are terrorists. Pakistan harbors terrorists. What does that sound like to you? That the common everyday man living there is supporting and encouraging what these extremists are doing. But the truth is, We're embarrassed by these thoughtless, Godless bastards who have resorted to killing their own people for revenge. I went there last summer, and the country really isn't rich enough to withstand these attacks. Poor and undeveloped places are too many, and these attacks will only slow the progression of this country. The last attack that I remember that truly boggled my mind was the attack on Islamabad University. Really? Attacking education. A place where people come to earn knowledge?

The one thing that pissed me off about the Nuclear attack on Hiroshima (among other things) was that it was attack on defenseless civilians. The Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor, a naval base. American movies have inflamed opinions of the american people against the japanese by saying it was a necessary step in order to protect our homeland. sure it was, but really, you're gonna be a pussy and attack their citizens? In my eyes, thats what these terrorists are doing. Attacking innocent human beings, not fighting like a man with people who have guns and have an opportunity to protect themselves. Its like shooting somebody in the back. An act of cowardice.

Why us? Why the religion that is supposed to advocate love, and brotherhood and respect. Why us? the people are were once famous for their respect for life, for diversity and God have come to be synonymous with terrorism?

pakistan, attack, pearl harbor, terrorism, islam

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