take my hand love, i'm taking you home

Jan 22, 2008 00:57

071: Ten Things in Tim Speedle's Bedroom

1. His gun cleaning kit. And it's not stuffed in the back of his closet either, but out there for his friends anyone to see that it's getting used.

2. Pictures. Of his folks, of his brother Joel, of Lucas, of Megan and of the rest of dayshift.

3. Biking magazines.

4. His iPod.

5. A diecast scale model of a Ducati Desmonde, in yellow naturally. Delko got it for him while he was still on medical leave to help combat the boredom. (the thing was a bitch to put together one-handed)

6. A couple library books.

7. Typical "bedroom" furniture; bed, nightstand, dresser, etc.

8. A landline phone (portable).

9. Dirty laundry.

10. His "wake-up call" box. It sits under his bed, and contains newspaper clippings about the jewelry store shooting and cards from his friends from his stay in the hospital. He calls it his "wake-up call" box because he realized that he didn't want to end up like Lucas.

tenspot, the ten spot

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